Let's talk northern harsh climates strains

Thank you.
X2 on the Candy K from Royal here @43deg N lat.

Axe body spray, sprayed on brush/trees eye level, 360deg around perimeter of each garden has helped deter Bambi from entering grow sites. Reapply after each visit or rain. High deer populations here and they run at the slightest smell of human. I’ve sat in different tree stands hunting season and watch them go out of their way to avoid gardens.
X2 on the Candy K from Royal here @43deg N lat.

Axe body spray, sprayed on brush/trees eye level, 360deg around perimeter of each garden has helped deter Bambi from entering grow sites. Reapply after each visit or rain. High deer populations here and they run at the slightest smell of human. I’ve sat in different tree stands hunting season and watch them go out of their way to avoid gardens.
What say you for that method on detering moose?
A good way to deter animals is to pee around the spot, especially entrances, and if you can get your hands on some dog hair(or hair from any big predator), scatter it around the spot :)
This will make a big sign saying predator den, stay away or be eaten, it has to be done often to stay effective.
Human urine doesn't work that well. I have kept foot made scrapes hot for months by urinating in them. Might work for does but bucks won't give a shit.
A good way to deter animals is to pee around the spot, especially entrances, and if you can get your hands on some dog hair(or hair from any big predator), scatter it around the spot :)
This will make a big sign saying predator den, stay away or be eaten, it has to be done often to stay effective.
The deer where I am don't give a shit about anything. They are so overpopulated they'll eat almost any kind of poisonous plant that they'd never touch elsewhere. The only practical way to keep them out is fencing or wire cages around the plants. The wire cages work pretty well. There are other options like electric fencing but obviously that's less practical.
I wonder, if you left a bunch of dead ones laying around, would the others shy off? Be a shame to waste the meat, though....
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