Light cycle question


New Member
Weed farmers unite hahaha

people i started with 2 spouts keep under light for 7 days and in the 7th day i corrupt with 24 hours of complete darkness.after that i go again with another week of incorrupted light and after that i add 6 more hours of darkness that means 30 hours of darkness next week again lighting inncorrupted and after that add six more hours for the fotosynthesys means 36 hours incorrupted darkness so everyweek of continious light i add 6 more hours of darkness until i reach the 12/12 light period what do you think? I feel it s gonna work
answers appreciated
I use 18hrs on 6hrs of for the vegi growth, you could do it that way but you do not need to go to all that trouble. Put them on 18/6 and when you want to go to flower mode put them on a 12 on 12 off regament. That will get the babes to flowering :)
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