Macujo method questions for experts


New Member
Good Day my tokers & smokers! I am a frequent lurker and finally registered to be a member of this great forum. I recently had a job interview for a great position and few days after interview HR reached out to me about providing references from previous employers. I have been clean for 30+ days and passed at home urine test with a very faint line (last week). I am not sure what kind of test I will get and want to cover all my basis. I am confident I will pass urine test with dilution (being 30-45 days clean & drink I got from head shop). Just in case I want to pass a hair test too and few hours of reading on the forum got me a list of ideas. I decided to try Macujo method and started today with some of modifications. This is what I did

1) Soak hair with vinegar and added some clear & clear and kept for 30+ minutes. It didn't burn much and I think it was because I didn't add enough C&C. The bottle of it that I got is very small (think of travel tooth paste) and directions don't mention how much to add. I couldn't find the pink version of the stuff and only found small tube that contained salicylic acid

2) Washed my hair with Tide detergent and hair felt very rough

3) I bought propylene glycol and mixed it with a shampoo that I have which is good for cleansing (contains a lot of minerals & essential oils). I kept it on for 5 minutes and washed it out. Hair was nice after it. From what I read propylene glycol is the ingredient in Nexxus Aloe Rid (old formula)

Can someone suggest how much Clear & Clear I should be using?

I read that they can take hair sample from eyebrows and just in case I've been applying the same steps to them. Can someone confirm this? From my reading they take around 100 hairs and need them to be over 1 inch long. I don't think my eyebrows are that long and taking 100 hairs from there would leave me with a large hole.

How many times should I use Macujo method to be successful?

I found salon shampoo (Fekkai) that contains apple cider & salicylic acid. I think I can add it to my step 1 when I use vinegar.

Should I be using baking soda?
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