
New Member
If i was to plant a mango tree next to pot would it increase the potency? Kind of how if you plant jalapeños next to habeneros the jalapeños end up hotter.
Hey man, my jalapenos ended up being quite spicy and they have been growing next to habaneros which didn't even flower though.
There is something indeed in group and companion planting. There's even a theory about synchronized flowering as a sign of inter plant communication, well flowering time will be different but it might help in triggering the stretch and flower formation. It also works for aromas to a certain point, weed that grows in certain environment is influenced by it. Also all these plants create a funghal network which regulates phosphorus intake and probably adsorption of other minerals. In the ground there is some magic, so why not more THC, although I'd say fuller terpene profile :bong:
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