Marijuana And Migraines

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Philip Denney, M.D. in the June 2, 2005 Whittier Daily News is quoted by Shirley Hsu in the article "Migraine Sufferer Finds Relief from Marijuana" as saying:

"Cannabis is one of the best medicines for migraines. It's so effective - it works rapidly, and it has limited toxicity, although lung damage from smoking is a concern."
(2005) Philip Denney

Jack Herer in his 2000 book The Emperor Wears No Clothes wrote:

"Because migraine headaches are the result of artery spasms combined with over-relaxation of veins, the vascular changes cannabis causes in the covering of the brain (the meninges) usually make migraines disappear."
(Nov. 2000) Jack Herer

Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics reported in a 2001 article "Hemp for Headache: An In-Depth Historical and Scientific Review of Cannabis in Migraine Treatment," (Vol. 1, No. 2) by Ethan Russo, M.D.:

"In closing, a unique dance of medical science and politics is occurring that will soon decide whether herbal cannabis (a derivative, or synthetic analogue) will rise like the legendary phoenix to resume an ancient role as a remedy for migraine and neuropathic pain."
(2001) Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics

David L. Bearman M.D. in a letter printed in the Feb. 3, 2005 edition of Los Angeles City Beat wrote:

"Not only are there thousands of migraine patients who benefit from cannabis, but cannabis has been cited by such historical medical luminaries as Sir William Osler, M.D. (considered the father of modern medicine) and Dr. Morris Fishbein (long-time editor of JAMA) as the best treatment for migraines (back in the days before the Congress ignored the AMA and over the AMA’s objection, passed the Marijuana Tax Act)."
(2/3/05) David Bearman
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