Masonman's - Hi-Brix - Jock Horror - 2016


New Member
My first journal! Please be patient while I figure out what I'm doing :nomo:

Introducing my new baby girl... Jock Horror. She sprouted February 23rd from a feminized seed. I have her in a custom 3' X 2' X 7'-4" cabinet under a TopLed Reflector 96x3w. Daytime temperatures hold steady around 77F +/- 3, and nighttime around 67F +/-3. I've had no problems controlling temperatures, but humidity fluctuates with the weather. I do need to invest in a humidifier/dehumidifier. The room is currently at 30%, which is abnormally low. It usually averages around 55-75%.

I will go into detail about my hardware as so as I figure out what I'm aloud to post. I'm not sure if I can even mention a brand name that isn't a sponsor, or if I just cannot link to one. I will say, I'm using all top of the line fans, controllers, and filters.

I'm not supplementing CO2. I am considering a DIY yeast generator. We'll see how this grow goes first though.

That brings me to the soil. DocBud's kit all the way. I had a false start, so the soil cooked for 4 months before I started this grow.

So far, she has had her first feeding of growth energy (she's 3-1/2 weeks from sprout). I allowed to soil to dry out, then mixed 10ML growth energy and 2.5ML Transplant with a half gallon water into a bowl that was just big enough to place my 1GL pot in and have the water level come up to about 3/4 to the top of the pot. I let the pot soak for about 10 minutes then poured some of the mixture down the top to completely drench the soil. After a good draining, I topped her above the 2nd node of true 5 leaf sets. I gave her a light spraying of Destress, then put her back under the light.

Up next, a wall of pictures...
These are day 1 through day 24. Maybe soon, I'll figure out how to title the pictures individually.

Thanks Stihl. Designed cabinet on Autocad. The inlet is sized to allow the exhaust fan to free flow. Basically, the carbon filter is rated at 400 CFM. Exhaust fan is rated at 347 CFM. I'm using a variac to reduce speed to around 200 CFM. This gives me a filtered exhaust (after static pressure loss) of around 100 CFM. More than enough to control temps with overhead if needed and within specs for "single pass" odor filtration.

Ambient Air is around 67F, and fan kicks on at 77F +/- 3F. I have a day/night temp controller. I set night time temps below what ambient temps are running. This give me a day/night temperature differential of 10F (exhausting nonstop at night). I run the fan nonstop at night because I was concerned humidity may increase if left off after target temps are reached. Humidity control is on my must do list. I just cannot afford it at the moment. It's the only area of my environment I don't have 100% control over yet.

I lost the CAD file for the light trap. Maybe this weekend Ill redraw it and upload so others may see how I trapped the light.
Thanks Stihl. Designed cabinet on Autocad. The inlet is sized to allow the exhaust fan to free flow. Basically, the carbon filter is rated at 400 CFM. Exhaust fan is rated at 347 CFM. I'm using a variac to reduce speed to around 200 CFM. This gives me a filtered exhaust (after static pressure loss) of around 100 CFM. More than enough to control temps with overhead if needed and within specs for "single pass" odor filtration.

Ambient Air is around 67F, and fan kicks on at 77F +/- 3F. I have a day/night temp controller. I set night time temps below what ambient temps are running. This give me a day/night temperature differential of 10F (exhausting nonstop at night). I run the fan nonstop at night because I was concerned humidity may increase if left off after target temps are reached. Humidity control is on my must do list. I just cannot afford it at the moment. It's the only area of my environment I don't have 100% control over yet.

I lost the CAD file for the light trap. Maybe this weekend Ill redraw it and upload so others may see how I trapped the light.

Hey mason, sounds like your an engineer of, I'm in the business as well, actually going to delcams part maker school next month to learn a new Swiss lathe we far as your exhaust fans controller and night time situation sounds just like mine, I have a Titian controller for humidity and temps.....I will say when you add a dehumidifier to battle high also pumps out heat, this makes my exhaust fan run all night. The lights make it run all day....well it get a break right when the lights come on.....until the room warms up.

Anyway I suppose since I don't run co2 it's good to keep fresh air running through the room.......:passitleft:
Day 25 Veg

It's been a day and a half since I topped, fed Growth Energy, and sprayed Destress. I think she is looking happy :thumb:

I wasn't sure if I should have started with Growth Energy or Transplant. I'm thinking now that Transplant may have been a better choice. But, Doc said when in doubt, drench with Growth Energy. I'm sure she'll exceed my expectations either way.

So, here are the pics... Including a close up of where I topped her.

Actually I'm blue collar. I'm a brick layer by day. I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night though. ;)

When I add the dehumidifier, it will be located outside the grow room where a window unit 6000BTU air conditioner should be able to maintain 67F ambient. I still like the idea of the fan running all night though. I don't want bud rot. I'm thinking LST or a SCROG for canopy management. I have one 6" fan at the top blowing down, will later add one blowing up through canopy to promote air flow.

BTW... Her final pot will be a 20 gallon fabric pot. Gonna give her some room to stretch her legs.
Actually I'm blue collar. I'm a brick layer by day. I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night though. ;)

When I add the dehumidifier, it will be located outside the grow room where a window unit 6000BTU air conditioner should be able to maintain 67F ambient. I still like the idea of the fan running all night though. I don't want bud rot. I'm thinking LST or a SCROG for canopy management. I have one 6" fan at the top blowing down, will later add one blowing up through canopy to promote air flow.

BTW... Her final pot will be a 20 gallon fabric pot. Gonna give her some room to stretch her legs.

Lol, I'm fairly blue collar myself, I run a metal fab shop with my dad......welding, laser cutting break presses, anyway a brick layer has a engineers state of mind...gotta be square and

Yeah my first grow room was a tad bigger than yours and no way a dehumifer would fit....I just ran a duct from top from Dehuey to intake for was a guessing game at first to get it right.......bottom line it's is much easier to mange a larger spaces environment......but we work with what we got......

By the way I have the same fan....they are awesome......

Edit...your ac will help with the humidity as well.
kind of a generic jack herer. i have the pheno b, of that. they both have a goodly amount of northern lights genes,and they smell. lol. i had a nl#5, that was heaven. but, it was hopeless outside, and a mold magnet. i have had good luck, with many of nirvannas gear. i have done aurora, ice, and now am doing chrystal, black jack, papaya, and blackberry. all three of those, are short, heavy set plants, so far, in veg. i am also doing some full moon. an odd one. i consider my jack herer, that was gifted to me, my favorite smoke, in both taste, and effect. im sure this one will do you justice. i wish someone would try their nyc power diesel. i am curious how that would be, being a cross of their aurora, and mexican sativa. a cross between couch lock, and a nervous wreck. lol.
kind of a generic jack herer. i have the pheno b, of that. they both have a goodly amount of northern lights genes,and they smell. lol. i had a nl#5, that was heaven. but, it was hopeless outside, and a mold magnet. i have had good luck, with many of nirvannas gear. i have done aurora, ice, and now am doing chrystal, black jack, papaya, and blackberry. all three of those, are short, heavy set plants, so far, in veg. i am also doing some full moon. an odd one. i consider my jack herer, that was gifted to me, my favorite smoke, in both taste, and effect. im sure this one will do you justice. i wish someone would try their nyc power diesel. i am curious how that would be, being a cross of their aurora, and mexican sativa. a cross between couch lock, and a nervous wreck. lol.

I have to admit, I don't partake much any more. When I hit 20, I started to get paranoid all the time when I smoked. I just naturally didn't want to feel that way and just stopped. I gift to my friends what I harvest.

Now that I'm older (mid 40's), my body is breaking down from the type of work I do. I'm interested in the medicinal qualities of cannabis that may help me. I've heard that Hi-Brix cannabis doesn't get you all paranoid, so I'm hoping for the best. It would be nice to enjoy it again. My friend made a tincture from a Jock Horror a couple years ago. It worked well for my back pain, but still made me paranoid.
I guess I will keep experimenting with different strains and perhaps edibles to see what (if anything) works for me.

I love to grow the plant though. If all else fails, I'll still grow and gift to my friends.
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