New Member
My first journal! Please be patient while I figure out what I'm doing
Introducing my new baby girl... Jock Horror. She sprouted February 23rd from a feminized seed. I have her in a custom 3' X 2' X 7'-4" cabinet under a TopLed Reflector 96x3w. Daytime temperatures hold steady around 77F +/- 3, and nighttime around 67F +/-3. I've had no problems controlling temperatures, but humidity fluctuates with the weather. I do need to invest in a humidifier/dehumidifier. The room is currently at 30%, which is abnormally low. It usually averages around 55-75%.
I will go into detail about my hardware as so as I figure out what I'm aloud to post. I'm not sure if I can even mention a brand name that isn't a sponsor, or if I just cannot link to one. I will say, I'm using all top of the line fans, controllers, and filters.
I'm not supplementing CO2. I am considering a DIY yeast generator. We'll see how this grow goes first though.
That brings me to the soil. DocBud's kit all the way. I had a false start, so the soil cooked for 4 months before I started this grow.
So far, she has had her first feeding of growth energy (she's 3-1/2 weeks from sprout). I allowed to soil to dry out, then mixed 10ML growth energy and 2.5ML Transplant with a half gallon water into a bowl that was just big enough to place my 1GL pot in and have the water level come up to about 3/4 to the top of the pot. I let the pot soak for about 10 minutes then poured some of the mixture down the top to completely drench the soil. After a good draining, I topped her above the 2nd node of true 5 leaf sets. I gave her a light spraying of Destress, then put her back under the light.
Up next, a wall of pictures...
Introducing my new baby girl... Jock Horror. She sprouted February 23rd from a feminized seed. I have her in a custom 3' X 2' X 7'-4" cabinet under a TopLed Reflector 96x3w. Daytime temperatures hold steady around 77F +/- 3, and nighttime around 67F +/-3. I've had no problems controlling temperatures, but humidity fluctuates with the weather. I do need to invest in a humidifier/dehumidifier. The room is currently at 30%, which is abnormally low. It usually averages around 55-75%.
I will go into detail about my hardware as so as I figure out what I'm aloud to post. I'm not sure if I can even mention a brand name that isn't a sponsor, or if I just cannot link to one. I will say, I'm using all top of the line fans, controllers, and filters.
I'm not supplementing CO2. I am considering a DIY yeast generator. We'll see how this grow goes first though.
That brings me to the soil. DocBud's kit all the way. I had a false start, so the soil cooked for 4 months before I started this grow.
So far, she has had her first feeding of growth energy (she's 3-1/2 weeks from sprout). I allowed to soil to dry out, then mixed 10ML growth energy and 2.5ML Transplant with a half gallon water into a bowl that was just big enough to place my 1GL pot in and have the water level come up to about 3/4 to the top of the pot. I let the pot soak for about 10 minutes then poured some of the mixture down the top to completely drench the soil. After a good draining, I topped her above the 2nd node of true 5 leaf sets. I gave her a light spraying of Destress, then put her back under the light.
Up next, a wall of pictures...