Matts Zkittlez Auto & Creme Brulee Auto Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Germinate soaked in water for 18 hours then into wet paper towels in zip lock bags

Zkittlez (auto) from seed ) FastBuds

Creme Brulee (auto) from seed (bakery seed .co

Medium (biobizz light mix)

Nutrients (biobizz) (indoor pack) grow,bloom,top max.

90x90x90cm (bud-box) tent

4”kenley extractor fan

3x 4” in-line fans

Hans 180watt led panel. wall out put 180w

1x exlair tubular heater

Starting in solo cups will re-pot to 3 gal grow bags.

Will be feeding tap water left out to reduce chlorine .. ph’d with organic apple cider vinegar,, ideal ph 6.5 my tap water runs at about 82ppm 7.4-7.8ph

Will try aim for temps around 24-25c
RA . To start 75-80

Light schedule 24/0

If any one wants to tag along all welcome and if anyone has used the biobizz light mix and biobizz nutrients could you give me a few pointers on where to start and how much many thanks and happy growing :420::thumb::blunt:
So my seeds are starting to show there tap root and look like there doing good so far will leave them for another 18-24 hours and then plant into biobizz light mix in solo cups

Is anyone using biobizz light mix and there nutes I really need a good successful feed schedule to go by as there schedule looks a bit too much and experience would be great thanks
So seeds have been germinating for 48hrs now wet paper towel method and tap roots have shown one grew big about 1” and the other is pretty small 0.5” I have planted both seeds into biobizz light mix in 9cm baby pots and placed in a propagator in my tent and misted top of the soil I’ve got them under a 180w Hans led panel about 12” above dimmed right down with a tubular heater in there and a 4” fan temps should or will be around 25-27c humidity 78-85.....

I have got all my nutrients what I will be using throughout the hole grow calibrated my ph meter so all ready to go and have calmag on standby fingers crossed this one will be better with the experience I have now
So... we have a sprout which is the (Creme Brulee) which is mad because the (zkittlez) was the first one to show there tap root ? But still hasn’t sprouted yet both same method both same environment so will just have to be patient with this one she might be saving all her energy to be a nice big sprout we shall see
Temps 24-26c RA 55-70 nice air flow and distribution and how much light should I give them will my 180w Hans panel be too much for them but it’s got a dimmer on it so I’ve dimmed it half way on veg mode mostly blue and green diodes few orange in there and how far should I have my light above them ? It’s at 12” above them 30cm
When should I take the dome off and start to let the soil dry abit ????
Alright matt
You have the lights running all the time so I'd take the dome off now. Start letting it dry out now, get the dry/wet cycle started. When my plants are small, they take about 4 days to a week to go dry.depending on the room temp.
Just watch the light height for now, that's all you need to worry about.
So exciting:thumb:
I dont know much about that light, the manufacturers specs will tell you best distance. You're doing the right thing,while they're young dial it down and up quite high the plant will tell you if it needs more light, it will stretch. Best to be gentle.
Matty I've just looked at your lights spec, the manufacturer recommends 32'' down to 12", usually the lower one is for flowering. I know you've dialled it down to half but I would raise it a few inches and see if it wants more.
Matty I've just looked at your lights spec, the manufacturer recommends 32'' down to 12", usually the lower one is for flowering. I know you've dialled it down to half but I would raise it a few inches and see if it wants more.
Matty I've just looked at your lights spec, the manufacturer recommends 32'' down to 12", usually the lower one is for flowering. I know you've dialled it down to half but I would raise it a few inches and see if it wants more.
Ok I will take my plants of the stand there on I won’t raise the light I’ll lower the plants I will lower them so the light is 24” above canopy this should be far enough away to tell me if they want more by stretching I will leave on half way for now aswell
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