Minor burn started - I need another 20 days max - Do I have them?

it was a good job ...anyway...
one more question
i give them tab water around ph7.3 shall i start giving strait water with lower ph or do you thing low ph will overfeed them?
Thank you for your precious time .
good night if you are indeed in mediterranean...
i dont know i am thinking if i go down i will slow the "things"that burned it and I will start the things that didnt harmed it so badly up till now.do you thing that i think logicaly... with few words generally stop pushing molybdenum and start pushing iron ....
What do you say ?
i am
i am not trying to push i am trying to make her eat different things from the soil...by changing the ph. it was an idea, but is not going to work... i let them alone for the moment..... rain is coming...
I trying to get reed of as much as "happy frog"mix as i can.
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