MMJ Dispensaries (DEA should burn in Hell)


New Member
Everyday it seems I hear of more MMJ dispensaries being raided by the DEA. Hopefully our next president will put an end to this madness. I remember as a kid studying history and one of the pillars our forefather stood for most was STATES RIGHTS!!!
Now that im done with that rant, on to my real question. When these dispensaries are raided by the DEA, what happens to individual patients. Does the DEA come after them as well? Once the raid is through you have some chronically ill people in search of their medicine having to travel farther. I know it cant be easy for a dispensary to lose the invest they have in their business and just open right back up even if they aren't jailed.
Is there no compassion left in the world? If I saw anyone in terrible pain with a terminal illness I dont care if they said they wanted to take heroine! Whatever makes them feel better. I think their will come a day when someone with the power to do something about this has a loved one with a condition that MMJ could help(Dont get me wrong I would never wish that on anybody). Once our lawmakers see the positive effects MMJ can have on a persons life, you would have to have no soul to still be against it.
Im moving to LA after I get married in November and one of the things im most excited about is the progressive thinking out there. Being from the Bible belt you dont get much of that where im from. Its just sad that even when people are doing great things in select states that our misguided laws still hold those states back.
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