MN Supreme Court says weight of water in bong water makes First Degree crime!


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The Minnesota Supreme Court, in a 4-3 decision, has now ruled that Bong Water (water which had been used in a water pipe) was a “mixture” of “25 grams or more” supporting a criminal conviction for Controlled Substance crime in the first degree. The crime is the most serious felony drug crime in Minnesota, with a maximum penalty of 30 years in prison for a first offense. The case is Minnesota v Peck, A08-579, Minnesota Supreme Court, October 22, 2009.

Since drugs are now in river water (search: “drugs in water supply”) and cities get their water from rivers, city water is a “mixture” of illegal drugs (no matter how diluted), according to the absurd logic of this majority of four Minnesota Supreme Court judges.

So – now that all of us living in Minnesota are criminals possessing “drug mixture” water in our homes and toilets – shall we wake up, end the abuse of government power, and repeal all laws criminalizing drugs possession?

For more discussion of this Minnesota case, and it’s excellent dissent, see my blog post:

Minnesota Court Waters Down Legal Definition of Illegal Drugs: Toilet Water Now Criminal to Possess Minneapolis Criminal Law News
Minnesota Statutes now equate "Sale" with cultivate, even with no sale, no intent to

A Rose is a Rose is a … Sale? How “Cultivate” can mean “Sell” – Alice in Minnesota Law-land Minneapolis Criminal Law News

Those of us in Minnesota need to start pushing back!

Thomas C Gallagher
Gallagher Criminal Defense Services
310 Fourth Avenue South, Suite 8000
Minneapolis MN 55415

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