Modern day hippies?


New Member
Anyone think there are modern day hippies out there? I'm not talking about the "I wear tie-dye and smoke pot so I'm a hippie" kind, but that actually share something in common with the views that real hippies had? Trying to expand their mind by reading and practicing about various philosophies and religions, using drugs not just to get high, but to expand their mind, fought to change what they think is wrong, and spread the message of what they think is right? Do you think there is anyone in this day and age that believes peace and love can still conquer all?
I consider myself a modern-day hippie, hippiesh at least. I've read up on the history and philosophy of '60s counterculture, studied Buddhism, got politically active, and smoking for right now.
if we change things with peace and love can we still execute the overlords?

seriously yes they are still out there.
i believe you can change your own world with peace and love but to change someone elses its gonna take force.
but in my heart i still believe.
Has anyone heard of young hippies getting together? I mean, the whole scene started in the cities of San Francisco and New York in larger communities before it spread out nationally, so why try something like that?
I'm a hippy for the most part. I think people should be free to what they want should it not inflict on others. :peace:

But i'm not a vegitarian.
Why not take the initiative and look around for like minded folks in your community. You seem to have a dream, so why not follow it. A large part of the hippie movement was the freedom to persue a dream. And being a hippy is purely a state of mind.

Well said, sir. I gotta find somebody else to give rep to, 'cause I can't seem to give you any more :laughtwo:

I've never considered political, or any other type of activism to be a necessary part of being a hippie. To me it's all about doing what feels right to you, and letting others do what feels right to them. Enjoying the moment. Rejecting what other people try to tell you life should be and living it for yourself.

Then again, I wasn't around for the hippie movement, so I could be way off :cheesygrinsmiley:
My friend bryan is totaly hippy to the max...flip flops, dreds, tie dye, always stoned, plays acoustic guitar. So i deffinately know hippes are out there. Not to mention he always finds some sort of way to explain everything that has ever happened as a sign that we need to "introduce peace and love to this world or were gonna wind up blowing up like some god damn nuclear reactor"
i'm with you on all point aside from the whole trying new religions. i dont think i have the courage to turn away from my God. :p i dont really want to either. but on those other points ESP expanding your mind and seeing things in different ways DEFINITELY. so maybe im a modern day quasi-hippie? maybe one of those dudes who had a coporate job but had a roommate who was a hippie. :)
i think peace and love sometimes fail because people choose not to receive it...
i don't remember ever seeing a set of rules about to be a hippy you must believe such and such, wear such and such, live in such and such a way.

hippy was a media term that the public picked up.

there are still alota free thinkers in the world. being a 'hippie' was about personal peace & freedom.
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