Mouth swab drug test?


New Member
Anyone hear of the new "mouth swab drug test" ?? My girlfriend isnt a hardcore smoker by any One to two hits and shes good.Not too long ago she got a job and had 2 test but as opposed 2 urine sample they swabbed her mouth. Who does that? And is it being wide spread ? Can that sort of test b beat? thx:rasta:
Re: Mouth swab drug test ?

I got hit with one of these a few years ago. I went to this place for my interview, nailed it, they asked me when I could start and if I would pass a drug test. I told them no problem, seeing as I've beaten the pee test a few times now and all of a sudden they break out this little q'tip sponge thing and tell me to treat it like a thermometer.

Needless to say I failed the test but managed to land another job before I'd even gotten the call telling me that I failed. Other than that I've never known anyone to have to take one.
Re: Mouth swab drug test ?

I took one of these a week ago. I smoked the night before the test, and have smoked every day for the past year or more beforehand. I'm a pretty heavy smoker, 5'8", 145lbs. I let about 9 hours pass from when I last smoked to when I took the test. I used mouthwash and brushed my teeth before I went in and passed it.

My brother recently took one also, we had smoked a blunt the night before his test, and he let about 12 hours go by, didn't use mouthwash or anything and passed the test.
I took one of these literally 30-45 mins before getting my head extremely right and I passed. I went knowing I had to take a drug test ( So I had some urine ) I panicked when he pulled out that swab kit. But I passed and from the research I've found since then... That if they're old they are unreliable and flushing your mouth very well, constantly for an hour before test You have a 90% chance of passing. But that's just me. Just because you read it on the net doesn't mean it's true. :thumb:
Oh....yeah. When I started at my present company. They do hair. Thank God there had been a drought and I hadn't smoked any for about 4-5 months... goes those go back at least 90 days.... and I know of no way to beat this unless you have prior warning. Enlighten me :helpsmilie:
isnt testing a breach of your privacy?
And do they test at every job?

These people care nothing about your privacy because it's their business and they hold all the keys to it, as well they are being protected by a system of bureaucratic SOB's who want people to stay in line, so they care nothing about us or our privacy!!!

Best thing I can tell you is to get involved to try and change this way of thinking ;)

No, not every job requires a drug test but almost every large corporate company does and they are the one's who pay the best, so....?

Their is a movement to stop this kind of thing so get on board for the big push if you really care about protecting your rights!
If i would go public they would hang me......its still not done in holland to smoke weed....its still seen as negatif....and criminal.....first legalisation....then it will be normal....your country has states that is further in that progress then my country ..... i hope they will keep the forward look and they dont go back to how it country is entering the dark ages again when it comes to weed.
If i would go public they would hang me......its still not done in holland to smoke weed....its still seen as negatif....and criminal.....first legalisation....then it will be normal....your country has states that is further in that progress then my country ..... i hope they will keep the forward look and they dont go back to how it country is entering the dark ages again when it comes to weed.

Wow, I thought it was legal there? What about all the "coffee" shops?

Maybe if the US legalizes, all other countries will too because the US seems to set the standards for most countries to fallow...they shouldn't, but they do, in most cases...why? IDK?

People just want to live their lives without being saved from their selves and to live the best way they see fit...I do know that!
The true and tested method is use tom's alcohol free mint mouth wash after brushing you mouth and teeth. Do this within 1hr before the test and when your in the waiting room munch on a couple altiod mints. Make sure you don't breath on the asst or they will make you wait for the mint to go away. THC stays in your saliva glands for 48 to 72 hrs is what I have been told by the company that does the testing. I was a welder in a pipe-fitters union and we had to take tests all of the time and i never failed one in 8 yrs because of having the right tools and info to study with. I had 9 tests in one year because of moving from one site to the next for the same fricken company because each job had a different general contractor. Oh by the way I smoke sun up to lights go out and am grateful that I can.

Wow, I thought it was legal there? What about all the "coffee" shops?

Legal it is not ....its tolorized...but when authorities see fit they can .... get you and fine you .... its not a big fine..for possesing but they dont fine...or criminalize booze...same with coffeeshops...they are tolorized Gedogen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, but not see the difference after reading the wiki article.

People just want to live their lives without being saved from their selves and to live the best way they see fit...I do know that!

I agree.:Namaste:

sorry for the offtopic.
Re: Mouth swab drug test ?

well i smoked last night and had a mouth swab drug test today but i brushed my teeth very thouroughly and use mouthwash before bed and before the test so am i in the clear??
Hi everyone I have just passed both these test my 1st was a piss test in the next 24 hours, Im a big smoker I like to smoke everyday befor my test I was still smoking 4 1/2 hours befor my test Ive perished so many detox products that all FAILED so I went and found my self constrated cranberry juice even 600ml is good then 2L of mixed cranberry juice don't be ashamed to get THC test kits from your local physamary I got 6 of them to be shaw I drank the constrate 600ml strate then refilled it with water shake it for a bit then drink again I you'll goth the toilet about 20+ times in a hour then test your self if fail like me I drank the 2l mixed had a shot of lemon or lime juice 100% from the fish and chip shop and had a red bull on the way to the test. I passed easy make shaw you don't give them the first drops off piss give them more of the middle to end of it they only need 5ml . With my mouth test I brush my teeth everyday then mouth wash too also brush your thoung too I mouth washed once again befor my test like 1/2 befor passed...
Anyone hear of the new "mouth swab drug test" ?? My girlfriend isnt a hardcore smoker by any One to two hits and shes good.Not too long ago she got a job and had 2 test but as opposed 2 urine sample they swabbed her mouth. Who does that? And is it being wide spread ? Can that sort of test b beat? thx:rasta:

Yes it can! My freind took one today at and passed the new swap test by washing with listerine and altoids. It worked!
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