howdy everyone I'am slightly new here so bare with me
this is how it goes what you growin? pot
in what are you growin in? A pot
dirt or soil? yup
lighting? everything I got
temps? a lot cooler then it was
what kind? blue moonshine
indica sativa mix
pictures after while when mama gets her camera out
they are a little over a foot tall now, I have taken the cfls and now the hps after repotting so they should start growing well. I also have another that is going to be a mother if I ever do a clone right LOL. so this is the begining?
this is how it goes what you growin? pot
in what are you growin in? A pot
dirt or soil? yup
lighting? everything I got
temps? a lot cooler then it was
what kind? blue moonshine
indica sativa mix
pictures after while when mama gets her camera out
they are a little over a foot tall now, I have taken the cfls and now the hps after repotting so they should start growing well. I also have another that is going to be a mother if I ever do a clone right LOL. so this is the begining?