My Butter Didn't Work - Help!


New Member
What am I doing wrong?
I made bud-butter out of one cup of freshly ground bud and it didn't work at all!
I ate almost 1/3 of it and nothing! What a waste. The leftover 2/3’s of the pan is sitting here just looking yummy, but now they are just off-tasting brownies.
Really, it was very nice, top quality smoke, only the bud (no trim) – one full cup!
Please tell me what’s wrong with my cooking. (I don’t know if I will ever try this again, as I don’t ever want to lose a cup of my finest bud again. However, I may recover from my loss and try again someday.)

Here’s exactly what I did.

I gently melted one pound of butter and added one cup of ground bud. This wasn't very hot at this point.
I then took a hand/wand mixer and I blent the butter and bud very well. I then poured the butter and bud mixture into a 2.5-quart glass, stovetop pan of boiling water. I let it boil on low for 3 hours. I could see it boil slowly through the glass pan.
I put the pan in the refrigerator. Once cool, I took all the floating hard mass out of the water and put this whole hard mass in a clean glass pan and I gently melted it (including the plant matter—I didn't strain it through cheesecloth). I added ¼ cup soy lecithin. I then emulsified the bud-butter and the lecithin mixture with the hand/wand blender.
At this point I had 2 cups of finished butter.
I added ¼ cup of the finished butter to a blueberry smoothie. I had no reaction. It was just a very strange tasting smoothie.
I then took about ½ cup of bud-butter and made an 8x8 pan of brownies. I ate 1/3 of the pan. Nothing!
What’s wrong? Is it my cooking or is it my metabolism? I will give the rest of the pan to a friend tomorrow and see what happens to him.
Thanks for your advice on my dud-butter.
Alright step by step bud butter

3 bricks of butter (6 cups)
2 oz of finely ground dry shake or bud
1L of water
cheese cloth
canning funnel

Get your water boiling heavy in a fairly thick pot
throw in your bud

boil heavy for 5 mins
turn down temp to low
wait for boil to slow down - add butter
let lightly simmer for 45m - 1 h -Do not let it boil!

Set up cheese cloth in funnel- place funnel over a good wide mouthed container

Strain mix - Cool all in fridge - drain water from separated mixture by popping out a small hole near the side of the container and pouring out the water

TADA - Key trick, the pre boil, activates the bud and active properties. For even better results boil water in sepperate pot , stain out plant matter and then make the melted butter side (removes more clorophil)

For even better butter bake the bud for 2-3 mins at 300, then boil, then butter. :D
My recipe for butter is using a temperature controlled slow cooker. (hard to find)
I set the temp at 175 degrees.
2 lbs unsalted and CLARIFIED butter
Decarb the pot on a cookie sheet by drying in the oven at 300 degrees for 5 min.
Add the product to the melted butter to the point where you have a 1/4 in of butter on the top.
Cover and simmer for 4 to six hours. NEVER LET THIS BOIl as it destroys the cannabinoids.
Remove the plant matter and press out the butter. I use a 2 ton herb press. Just strain through cheese cloth if you don't have a press.
Now my trick is to spray with HOT water filling the container with the butter. (removes a lot of the chlorophyll)
Put the container in the freezer for 1 hr. The butter will solidify on the top. Remove and rinse the bottom of the block of butter to remove any plant material left.
I use Chemdog and Cannatonic trim and bud. High CBD from the Cannatonic and enormously high THC count from the Chem D.
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