My First Grow!


New Member

This is my first-ever grow journal, and I have to say that it is my proud honor to be able to share this journey with a supportive community of like-minded individuals. "Journey" is a good word, because journeys usually involve discoverey. For example, I discovered that after typing in this box, if you accidentaly hit the "Escape" key while repositioning the keyboard, everything you just typed gets erased.

I am not afraid to admit that there have been several half-hearted and wholly-unrealized attempts at a grow before; that "stealth" spot behind the shed, those horrid peat sprouting discs, the clay pot stashed in the sunny corner of the garden. I would have to say the grand kooparillo of the bunch was an attempt utilising a Solo cup filled with dirt straight from the back yard, set up on the window sill of my bedroom at my parents house. Pretty greasy, I know.

So this is where the story changes. As you will see, this is starting out small, just like the sprouts, but it will grow as my plants mature. What I have now is a basic Hydrofarm JumpStart T5 single-bulb sprouting light. The beans are from my personal collection of bagseed. Incidentally, this grow journal will also cover the topic of sexing a cannabis plant. But that comes later.


I built a simple drip irrigation system to make sure the sprouts get enough to drink. For this grow, I will be using Technaflora nutrients. Has anyone tried them before, and if so, how did the final product fare? Now here are some photos of whats cookin'...




So there we are. These plants are about a week old from seed. We are growing with the rockwool cubes, as the ability to stack them on top of one another virtually guarantees the integrity of the root system of any plant you may choose to grow hydroponically.

For now, well, I think you all know what time it is...:rollit:
Re: My first grow!!!

Hey Smokey, looking good so far. What are your system plans for when they are teens? Are you planning to grow all the way out in stacked cubes (Russian Doll)? or will you use your ebb and flow? You may want to put a thin layer of biochar or perlite so the cubes get a little aeration for faster rooting without the rot from standing water.

I have used Technaflora, I ran the recipe for success little box set, I give away a kit with each of my systems. Be careful to follow the feeding chart and make sure to mix all nutes in at least 2gal of r/o water and let it stand for 20 minutes or so before adding to res. They are a great quality starter kit and provides a nice quality smoke if flushed correctly. Flush with a 2% mixture of the flower nutes and r/o water for the last week.
Re: My first grow!!!

Hey there Smokey - Good luck with your grow! :thumb:

Looking good so far, but they are stretching a little. I'm not sure what you have planned for a next step, but I am thinking you want to be getting there soon.

In another day or two they'll be stretched to the point of making little splints so they don't fall over. Basically, they are struggling for more light - and you'll want to give it to 'em. It's not bad (yet) but I'm wanting to make sure you're on top of this.

+reps for the new grow and good luck!!!
Re: My first grow!!!

Thanks for checkin in guys!!! @farmer.ed -- Glad to have you on board!! Thanks for the advice about my setup and nutes. I am going to be making a few changes after homework is done. @Xlr8 -- Yeah man, they are stretching. That little light was great to get them started, but def. not enough. I have a Hydrofarm 2 bulb T5 on the way, but for now I think I may add some CFL's just to keep the stretch down.

I will be posting a more thorough update later tonight (including pics!!) so stay locked in!
Re: My first grow!!!

Good start smokey.clean set up an i agree watch that stretching.U could lower the lite so they don't stretch so much.good luck an grow on.what was the bag seeds u started with?
Stay safe.
Re: My first grow!!!

I have to agree, not enough focused light, if you add a reflector your plants will receive more light from other directions. A piece of diamond film or bubble will reflect enough light deflection. If you were to make a canopy over the light (not touching the light air gap 3-4") and tray with silver bubble, leaving ends open for ventilation, sort of a pitched roof, should solve the issues and create a denser plant which can be stretched later.
Re: My first grow!!!

Alright... so here are a few pics of how we are currently coming along. I took farmer.ed's sage advice into account and placed the sprouts in my ebb tray. I will be switching primary irrigation system over to ebb and flow later in the week -- I need to rinse my hydroton more thorougly.

So, here is a picture of the setup in it's current incarnation:


The stretching seems to have stopped....for now...


And from a slightly different angle...


Ok, I have been watering 2x daily with a fairly weak solution of Root 66 and Sugar Daddy with an average pH right around 6. I can't decide if I should continue with this solution at res change, or if I should change over to the veg nutrient mixture. Any feedback would be most appreciated!!!

Now for the lighting issue. I need more light, and I have a few options. I was planning on getting a two-bulb T5 HO fixture, but I have a feeling that will still not provide enough light. So, now I am stuck between a 400w MH/HPS setup and the new Kessil LED grow lamps. Nothing in the way of LED lighting systems has impressed me very much. However, the Kessil appears to be a very promising next-step for LED lights.

Here is one of the official vids -

YouTube - Kessil's Plant Research Lab

And here is one demonstrating brightness inside a tent -

YouTube - Kessil LED grow test

As you can see, these are incredibly intense growing lights. I am just not sure if I should invest in these, or just play it safe and go with the switchable ballast HID light. Well, I am looking forward to reading everyone's responses!!! I will be ordering today, as I do not want the stretching situation to get any worse. So, until next time.... :rollit:
Re: My first grow!!!

Well, LED is pretty interesting new technology and this may well be a good solution. I've not used it yet so I can't comment.

What I can say is that I've had really good luck with my 400w MH/HPS setup. Plenty of light to keep stretch to a minimum - (as long as it's not getting used to cover too much territory). I think it would fit your needs well.

Sorry I can't comment more on LED, other than to say I've seen a lot of promising new LED technology fall a little short on the yield side. There is a journal here from Setting Sun with LED that's pretty good, but I think the yield was smaller than normal in the end.

Lastly - your most recent picture doesn't have me too concerned yet either - if they can stand on their own without looking like they're falling over you're in okay shape...

Sending good vibes your way!
Re: My first grow!!!

Good vibes received xlr8!!! Thanks for the reassurance as well. You know, I gave it some healthy thought, and I think that I will play it safe and put my money on guaranteed results. So, on its way to mi casa is a 400w HPS/MH setup!! I am actually pretty stoked about it...wish it was here already!!! The JumpStart single-tube T5 actually puts out a good amount of light, but it will not be enough for long. I plan on retiring it to clones/seedlings/sexing after the new light arrives.
Re: My first grow!!!

Hey Smokey, you should stick with the B1-Thrive, root 66, sugar daddy I would lay off of until you get some beneficial bacteria in place, the sugar daddy will feed the beneficials.

As far as LED's go, they are great, but whose is the right one, I have only tested 3, UFO (failed) Stealth LED (Great veg, great supp for flower) , Grow Grow Int (great unit $$$$$$$)

I would stick to T-5 for veg with 400wMH for penetration later on before going to a 600w mh and finishing with 600w hps. There are ballasts which are HPS/MH 400/600 so you can save a bit of money buying one ballast and 3 bulbs 400 MH 600 MH 600 HPS. An 8 bulb t-5 is your best bet for low heat low cost light to medium veg and low cost of operating.
Re: My first grow!!!

I agree with xlr8 and farmer ed. I would go with the proven method (hps/mh). I myself will buy LED's but only after the prices drop(and they will eventually) and the technology will evolve enough to outperform HID lights.

I would not trust anything these LED companies are saying. They will tell you anything just to make a sale. xlr8 mentioned Setting Sun's journals. He actually does some pretty good comparisons between LED's and HID lights as well as between different LED's. I would trust SS over the LED companies.

This one compares different LED's:
Haight Solid State vs. H.G.LED

This one compares a 300W LED to a 400W HID:
300W LED vs. 400W HID Demonstration
Re: My first grow!!!

If you have a few weeks to wait you may be able to get your hands on one of these induction lights.....They will be starting at about $1000 with 4 x 8 pattern coverage hood and reflector 100k hr bulb etc.....This one is a test model, it so far out performs everything else we have it up against (2 x 600w HPS and other test 1 x 1000 hps) There is no heat to deal with and the phosphor exciter can be tuned for different par 385 nm - 710 nm (approximate figures) tune-ability will come in the next generation, this one is fixed to 400nm -660nm consumes 400w and provides enough light penetration for a 4x8 flood table not just an oversized reflector.
Re: My first grow!!!

That is a beautiful setup man. The ability to fog your crop has to be a sweet perk, and I could see how that might cause a HPS light to go 'boom!!' Thank you all for the advice about the LED situation. I didn't really want to chance it, so I just decided on the 400w system to guarantee some results.

Here is a question - how often should I change the res, and how to I build a colony of bene-bacteria?
Re: My first grow!!!

HempRocket, good advice man. I was able to snag a deal on some lighting gear, so now it's just a waiting game. The next step is the preparation of a more permanent grow area. I have several spaces in a basement to work with, however I do need it to be discreet. If it helps anyone, the two front-runners are

A.) Under the stairs - There is a sizable area here that is roughed in for finishing, so all I would need to do is drywall it.

B.) A uniqe structural feature - Directly near the water main is a recess in the foundation wall that is partially roughed in for finishing - the advantage of this is a large amount of vertical space+direct access to the water main. Obvious downside is this space is highly visible.

I plan to SCRoG the plants, if it helps. I havent really considered the option of growing a full, unpruned plant....

So far the sprouts seem to be enjoying the increased drainage. It seems like the leaves have perked up a little bit. It has been a bit chilly down there, however I think this issue will resolve itself once the HID arrives.

Re: My first grow!!!

HempRocket, good advice man. I was able to snag a deal on some lighting gear, so now it's just a waiting game. The next step is the preparation of a more permanent grow area. I have several spaces in a basement to work with, however I do need it to be discreet. If it helps anyone, the two front-runners are

A.) Under the stairs - There is a sizable area here that is roughed in for finishing, so all I would need to do is drywall it.

B.) A uniqe structural feature - Directly near the water main is a recess in the foundation wall that is partially roughed in for finishing - the advantage of this is a large amount of vertical space+direct access to the water main. Obvious downside is this space is highly visible.

I plan to SCRoG the plants, if it helps. I havent really considered the option of growing a full, unpruned plant....

So far the sprouts seem to be enjoying the increased drainage. It seems like the leaves have perked up a little bit. It has been a bit chilly down there, however I think this issue will resolve itself once the HID arrives.


I used to have an area under the stairs (previous house). I drywalled it and installed a locking door. I also left some space near the top not drywalled so that heat could escape (I have an enclosed mostly lightproof growbox that went inside). The space worked great, but definitely needed to be vented. I went low tech with the drywall space at the top and fans inside blowing air toward the open space. Temps remained fine.

Hemprocket - thanks for providing the links to Setting Sun's journals that I was too stoned and lazy to include in the first place, lol!

Farmer Ed - Beautiful set-up!!
Re: My first grow!!!

So just a quick update: Lights will be here Friday - this was quite a bit sooner than expected, but definitely appreciated. Now I just have to hustle to get that space ready. In terms of fire and electrical safety, how to 400w lights rank? These have to be fairly safe, as there are so many people on here using them.
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