ispopryl alcohol mixed with salt.
swish it around and the pipe becomes brand new...
rinse thoroughly after cleaning..
theres many methods to doing this...
you can put the salt directly into the pipe through the mouth piece, and poor isopryl rubbing alcohol in there and just swish it around/rinse repeat..
the pipe will become brand new looking again...
another way to do this is fill a big 1 gallon plastic bag with alcohol/ put some salt in the pipe, and shake the bag around.. (i dont like this method, i've spilled the bag before. STINKY SITUATION lol)
or a big cup (like a 32 ounce+)
fill it with water/alcohol / put salt in the pipe, mix it around by hand...
theres many ways to do it.. just think about wich method would work best for you, and give the alcohol/salt method a shot..
cheap way to give your pipe a thorough cleaning without making too much of a mess.
or you could just let it resinate/take on some weird colors.