My lower leaves and some of my upper leaves are turning upwards and shriveling.


New Member

I have 4 outdoor plants growing on my balcony at my apartment. They have been growing for about 5-6 weeks and have 3 tiers of leaves. They all look female :)

My problem is that on one in particular, the lower leaves look like they are rotting and about to die. Not like a brown rot, more like a yellow purplish rot. Please help me out. This is my first time growing and I'm not sure where to start with this problem. Here are some pics.



That's nothing to worry about man, just cut it off. Now be careful that you are not overwatering this plant and don't pour water on the leaves. The rim of the container is sort of high relative to the soil so there's not a lot of air circulation. Your plant is going to grow up and away from that problem. So just gradually one by one trim away a few sets of lower leaves later on as the plant gets taller.
what type of soil are you using? cheap soil has time released fertilizers and will burn your plants when you water and cause nutient look out. It looks like you have the same soil as me... i think were fucked.

did you use miracle grow soil? i think it releases N.

Im in the same boat as you. I just got a shit load of fertilizers and can't use any of them.... I'm thinking about foliar feeding? but not sure.
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