My LST Grow

A new guy in town walks into a bar and notices a large jar filled to the brim with $10 bills. The man approaches the bartender and asks, "What's up with the jar?"

"Well, you pay $10, and if you pass three tests, then you get all the money."

"What are the three tests?" asks the man

"Gotta pay first."

So the guy gives him the $10 bucks, and the bartender adds it to the jar.

"OK, here's what you have to do. First, you have to drink that whole bottle of pepper tequila -- the WHOLE thing at once -- and you can't make a face while doing it. Second, there's a pit bull chained up out back with a sore tooth. You have to remove the tooth with your bare hands. Third, there is a 90-year-old woman upstairs who's never had an orgasm in her life. You gotta make things right for her."

"Well, I know I've paid my $10 bucks," says the man, "but I'm not an idiot. No wonder you've collected so much money -- that's impossible!"

The new guy proceeds to drink several whiskeys, and eventually, he gets up his nerve.

"Wherez zat teeqeelah?" he slurs.

He grabs the bottle of pepper tequila with both hands and downs it, gulp by gulp. Tears are streaming down his cheeks, but he doesn't make a face. Next, he staggers out back. Everyone in the bar hears a huge scuffle outside -- barking, yelping and growling, then silence.

Just when they think the man must be dead, he staggers back into the bar with his shirt ripped and gashes across his body.

"NOW," he says, "wherez at ol' lady with the sore tooth?"
Which node did you start lsting? I love lsting a whole bunch. I start after node 4 usually.
i think i did it from the start i also topped it about 10 times i got a lil crazy with this plant.

i did this one right away too.

Some old school pots you have there. 10 different occasions or 10 times as in each cut is 1? What do you think your final height will be around?
I topped it let it grow then topped it again then topped it again every place i could top it i did. i was even topping branches coming off of nodes i went super crazy i had more places that i topped but i cut them off to try and clone it. I'm not sure of the height I've never done this before this is my first plant i did lst on.
i just let them grow straight up. didn't know much at the start this is my first plant from seed. the other 3 i had were clones and i just messed that all up put them to flower to soon. so they were small plants. maybe only 1/2 to 3/4 ounce out of the whole plant. shit probably less than that maybe 1/4 oz each. but its all good i don't smoke that much that shit will last me 6 months if not more. i do it more for fun and seeing what you can do with this plant and how it just adapts to whatever you do to it. its just amazing what this plant can tolerate.
a 1/4 lasts you 6 months? Thats like 1 hit every 2 days
I can make a 1/4 last 3-4 days if I stretch it :rofl:
j/k maybe 5 days if I stretch it I wouldn't know tho I don't weigh stuff out before I smoke
and sometimes that's what makes it easier for me to sleep
So should i have around 10 colas on this plant since i think i have around 10 branches coming out of it. I think when i counted the ones that are coming of the branches they have around 19 each branch coming out. So i don't know if all of them are gonna produce bud. if they do i should have a shit load of bud sites all over. but i could be wrong
A drunk walks into a bar, orders a shot and and immediately pukes all over his own shirt. "Wha' my gonna do now? My wifez gonna kill me."

"Relax," the bartender says, "give me a five-dollar bill." The bartender folds up the bill and puts it in the guy's shirt pocket. "Tell your wife some drunk puked on you and gave you five bucks to have your shirt cleaned."

"Thass a great idea!"

When the drunk gets home his wife answers the door. "Where have you been? What happened to your shirt?"

He tries to put on a sober voice and says, "Relaaax honey, some drunk guy puked on me and gave me five bucks to have my shirt cleaned."

The drunk's wife reaches in his pocket, grabs the money, and says, "There's $10 in here!"

"Oh yeah, he shit my pants, too."
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