My plants are dying!


New Member
help, my plants seems to be dying :(
yesterday, everything was fine, but today... i put my plants on the window (i do that every day), and when i looked at it in a few hours, all of the plants were dying. the plants were curled down, some of the leaves got yellow, some of them curled up.....
after that, i added a little fresh soil and watered them with a little milk, put xmas lights around them. two of them seems better, but the other ones are still like that... i think i can save them, but i don't know how...
i don't think it was too hot for them on the window, maybe i watered them too much (with water) today? or could it be the wind? something affected the root? i am taking good care of them every day, and i checked for the bugs and pests, there wasn't any.
please answer me as soon as you can because i think i can still save them.
thanks, and sorry if my english is bad :)
Re: my plants are dying!!!

Hi & welcome to :420:

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Ye could be some really simple stuff like under/over watering etc careful observation really the best method and learning as you grow.

The yellowing leafs might be a sign of under feeding but is not that uncommon to loss a few around the bottom of the plant & not much of a problem if so.
Re: my plants are dying!!!

is there anything i could do to bring it back to life? it is getting worse but i still think it could be fixed... the other ones are back to normal
Re: my plants are dying!!!

the leafs are still green but they are just hanging around the tree... if i cut the upper part will it recover somehow? the tree is still fine and there are small new leafs around destroyed ones?
i water them every 2-3 days with half cup of water on every plant (the other half of cup i spill around the soil), im not sure if i added too much today, it was fine and there never was any problems untill now.
i cut the yellow leaves on the other plants, but this one, the leaves are still green, but they just hang around lifeless, when you touch them, they still feells like on the other plants, so i think it could recover because the other ones were similar and they recovered. i just don't know how to help them, this is how it looks when i put it off this ladders
Thx for the answer :D I took the picture after watering, but i realised that i did overwatered it that day. It was fine after a few days, and now i'm watering it every 5-6 days, everything is going well now. :D
How much perlite you have there, but it does look like early root rot ...with that discolored lower stem..?
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