Myth or not

Hobos Bandaid

New Member
what goes through your mind, what do you guys think when people say that weed just makes you stupid? what does this entail, whats the reason here, what are the intricacy's to this myth? or is it as simple and blunt to say that it just doesnt and its purely what this might or might not be...a myth.

personally i worry over it, i dont wanna wither my mind or brain away after each session. and as u can probably tell, im a newbie but only cuz of circumstances. anyway, what do you guys think?
I have to agree with Captain Kronic here. Put it on them lol.

But actually the myth came from the simple idea that weed kills braincells. Losing braincells therefore makes you stupid.

However, the truth is simple in the fact that weed does not kill braincells. It doesn't make you stupid. Here is a good article about this: Erowid Cannabis Vault : Exposing Marijuana Myths.

After you read that, you understand that the original study that provided reports of brain damage or killed braincells were performed on Monkeys. It's not provided in that article, but in another one, this study is confirmed further. That original test on 2 monkeys made them breath only MJ smoke, therefore severely cutting down their oxygen intake levels. Basically the monkeys were being suffocated with smoke. That lack of oxygen is what actually killed the monkeys brain cells.
Those sound like the words of a government brain washed society.. O wait it doesn't make you stupid in CA it make you better.
what goes through your mind, what do you guys think when people say that weed just makes you stupid? what does this entail, whats the reason here, what are the intricacy's to this myth? or is it as simple and blunt to say that it just doesnt and its purely what this might or might not be...a myth.

personally i worry over it, i dont wanna wither my mind or brain away after each session. and as u can probably tell, im a newbie but only cuz of circumstances. anyway, what do you guys think?

Put in the name Dr Bob Melamede into youtube. There's nothing to be concerned about fella, even with just smoking gunja you're still raising your melatonin levels.

If you want to be concerned about something, research what's in the tap water. For something extra look into the pineal gland and how cannabis and this gland work and then check out how sodium fluoride in the tap water calcifies this gland.

Is that shit in the water for teeth? No.

All the best

what goes through your mind, what do you guys think when people say that weed just makes you stupid? what does this entail, whats the reason here, what are the intricacy's to this myth? or is it as simple and blunt to say that it just doesnt and its purely what this might or might not be...a myth.

personally i worry over it, i dont wanna wither my mind or brain away after each session. and as u can probably tell, im a newbie but only cuz of circumstances. anyway, what do you guys think?

Your words are the exact reason the myth was born, and still to this day lives... Fear and intimidation (scare tactics) via psychological chicanery...
Marijuana has been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimers and increase brain cell regeneration by 60% , but I still think it has some kind of effect on anyone under the age of 25 . 25 is the age when the brain is fully developed , but any effect from marijuana on the brain has no significance , so ... all is good !
man, u guys know ur shit and i appreicate the feedback and reassurance. so i think if i feel dumb on weed its probably just the weed and other strains give more positive logical reasoning and what not. i just got some "headbanga", dont know what strain or strains its from but it looks and smells awesome. gotta wait till the end of the month to use it though = (. anyway, thanx all and peace.
thats what we are here for , glad we can be of assistance !
I'm firmly of the belief that weed only shifts you're focus, and only when you're on it. At no point does anyone really get stupid.
ah, so like you might not be able to articulate something but theres other shit that u might excel at and you wouldnt even know it.
Yes . both of you are right . I myself have learned and understood things i couldnt have before smoking weed , hell it helped me pass my bio class in high school !
Here you go bro, hope this can "EASE you Pains & Worries..."
what goes through your mind, what do you guys think when people say that weed just makes you stupid? what does this entail, whats the reason here, what are the intricacy's to this myth? or is it as simple and blunt to say that it just doesnt and its purely what this might or might not be...a myth.

personally i worry over it, i don't wanna wither my mind or brain away after each session. and as u can probably tell, im a newbie but only cuz of circumstances. anyway, what do you guys think?

Overview of major drugs:
The Bush Book of Contents:

Cannabis (Marijuana) What is cannabis?

Cannabis is the general name given to a variety of substances prepared from the plant Cannabis sativa. In small doses, it is classified as a depressant. In larger doses, it can be an hallucinogen. The dried plant, resin or oil is commonly smoked for recreational purposes. Cannabis can also be ingested by cooking it in food.

Cannabis is also called 'gunga', 'dope', 'hash', 'weed', 'hemp', 'grass' and 'mull'.

Chemicals in cannabis

The main substance in cannabis that causes the effects on the brain is a chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The concentration of THC varies according to the part of the plant that is used, the variety of the plant and its growing conditions.

As with tobacco, there are many other substances that get released into the lungs when cannabis is smoked. There are large amounts of tar produced when cannabis is burned. Tar is one of the substances that can contribute to cancer, especially cancer of the respiratory system.

Under research conditions, THC has been shown to be:

an effective anti-nausea drug
effective in treating glaucoma (a serious eye condition)
valuable in stopping weight loss, improving mood and easing pain (National Task Force on Cannabis 1994:17)

Effects of cannabis use

Short-term effects

Using cannabis can affect the body in a number of ways, depending on the person, how much of the drug is taken and what is happening around the person at the time. The effects include:

mood changes: relaxed, 'high', sleepy, silly, anxious, depressed
stronger sensory experiences
impaired attention and memory
dizziness and nausea
dilated pupils and blood-shot eyes
increased heart-rate
blood pressure changes (increase while sitting, falls when standing)

Cannabis can cause:
and, in rare cases, paranoia.

If a person has a diagnosed mental illness, such as schizophrenia, taking cannabis can induce an episode or make it worse. How people react after using cannabis may also be affected by what other drugs they may have taken.
People who smoke cannabis often use it in combination with tobacco. Both cannabis and tobacco are high in tar and other chemicals so these people are breathing in damaging chemicals from two sources.

Effects of long-term use

The major health and psychological effects of chronic cannabis use, especially daily use over many years, remain uncertain. The following graphic outlines the likely major adverse effects - according to the available evidence.

Possible effects of long term heavy use which have not been confirmed by research include:

increased risk of developing smoking-related cancers
reduced educational achievement in adolescents and reduced work performance in adults in some occupations (National Task Force on Cannabis 1994:14-15)

There have been no documented deaths from overdoses of cannabis.

Some heavy users develop a psychological dependence on cannabis. They spend more time getting the drug and taking the drug. They have trouble cutting back. They keep using it even when it causes personal problems.


"I personally, have been smoking for over 25 years. A majority of which I smoked everyday, especially in the last 10 years. Was obligated to cease for a year and a half. I BEGAN AGAIN BY PURE CHOICE and had not a single side affect or withdrawal period, period." (Mr. M. Strindberg)

Cannabis and pregnancy
It is known that THC enters the blood stream of the developing baby from the mother when she uses the drug. Smoking, whether tobacco or cannabis, deprives the developing baby of oxygen. Other possible effects of heavy use during pregnancy (not yet proven) are:

increased risk of birth defects
increased risk of having a low birth weight baby
increased risk of leukemia in children who were exposed before birth (National Task Force on Cannabis 1994:15).

Tolerance can develop in people who use a lot of cannabis. People who have been long term, heavy users who quit using cannabis can experience withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms include irritability, anxiousness, nausea, sweating, depression and disturbed sleep.
"I personally suffer from these and other symptoms, with or without cannabis use. Less so with the right cannabis strains." (Mr. M. Strindberg)

How many people use cannabis?
Cannabis is the most widely used illegal drug in Australia. One third of the population has tried it (National Task Force on Cannabis 1994:30). In most cases, the use is experimental. In a telephone survey of 200 randomly selected households in each State/Territory conducted in 1994 the NT consistently indicated the highest level of use with 55.2 per cent of respondents indicating having used cannabis and 16 per cent in the last month (Bowman & Sanson-Fisher 1994:4,26).

Statistics from 1996 survey of NT high school students indicate that 22 per cent of 16 year olds and 33 per cent of 17 year olds had used cannabis in the seven days prior to the survey (Bertram & O'Reilly 1998).

There is little known about Aboriginal people's use of cannabis. There are anecdotal reports of it being used widely by young people, particularly in communities in the Top End. The impression among people working with these communities is that cannabis use is increasing. In a 1994 national survey of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, two out of ten people in the NT listed cannabis as a local problem (ABS 1994).

Cannabis and the Law in the NT

The Misuse of Drugs Act makes possession and cultivation of cannabis in the NT a criminal offence. It is against the law to grow, supply, sell, possess or consume cannabis. The Act permits police the discretion to issue an infringement notice for some 'personal use' of cannabis.

An infringement notice (or 'on the spot' penalty notice) is a means of enforcing a breach of the criminal law through payment of a fixed penalty rather than a prosecution for an offence through the courts.

"So I found this article on the web, and remembered your post. I hope this can inform either you about your question, or someone who may have a similar or other question(s)..."
That's a lot of information but I think half of it is wrong . I have heard all of that before but more websites and sources say otherwise . The text in blue is my commentary .

Here you go bro, hope this can "EASE you Pains & Worries..."

Overview of major drugs:
The Bush Book of Contents:

Cannabis (Marijuana) What is cannabis?

Cannabis is the general name given to a variety of substances prepared from the plant Cannabis sativa. In small doses, it is classified as a depressant. In larger doses, it can be an hallucinogen. The dried plant, resin or oil is commonly smoked for recreational purposes. Cannabis can also be ingested by cooking it in food.

Cannabis is also called 'gunga', 'dope', 'hash', 'weed', 'hemp', 'grass' and 'mull'.

Chemicals in cannabis

The main substance in cannabis that causes the effects on the brain is a chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The concentration of THC varies according to the part of the plant that is used, the variety of the plant and its growing conditions.

As with tobacco, there are many other substances that get released into the lungs when cannabis is smoked. There are large amounts of tar produced when cannabis is burned. Tar is one of the substances that can contribute to cancer, especially cancer of the respiratory system.

Under research conditions, THC has been shown to be:

an effective anti-nausea drug
effective in treating glaucoma (a serious eye condition)
valuable in stopping weight loss, improving mood and easing pain (National Task Force on Cannabis 1994:17)

Effects of cannabis use

Short-term effects

Using cannabis can affect the body in a number of ways, depending on the person, how much of the drug is taken and what is happening around the person at the time. The effects include:

mood changes: relaxed, 'high', sleepy, silly, anxious, depressed please not that depression is only while high , and very rarely do people ever become depresed while high
stronger sensory experiences
impaired attention and memory
dizziness and nausea
dilated pupils and blood-shot eyes
increased heart-rate
blood pressure changes (increase while sitting, falls when standing) most usually lowers blood pressure

Cannabis can cause:
hallucinations. very very few strains do this, and this rarely ever happens
and, in rare cases, paranoia.

If a person has a diagnosed mental illness, such as schizophrenia, taking cannabis can induce an episode or make it worse. they treat schizophrenia with cannabis How people react after using cannabis may also be affected by what other drugs they may have taken.
People who smoke cannabis often use it in combination with tobacco. Both cannabis and tobacco are high in tar and other chemicals so these people are breathing in damaging chemicals from two sources. cannabis is no where as dangerous as tobacco

Effects of long-term use

The major health and psychological effects of chronic cannabis use, especially daily use over many years, remain uncertain. The following graphic outlines the likely major adverse effects - according to the available evidence.

Possible effects of long term heavy use which have not been confirmed by research include:

increased risk of developing smoking-related cancers cannabis cures cancer , and doesn't cause it
reduced educational achievement in adolescents and reduced work performance in adults in some occupations (National Task Force on Cannabis 1994:14-15)

There have been no documented deaths from overdoses of cannabis.

Some heavy users develop a psychological dependence on cannabis. They spend more time getting the drug and taking the drug. They have trouble cutting back. They keep using it even when it causes personal problems.


Increased risk of infections is not true . In fact , the receptors for caanabinoids in our immune system help stimulate it . Long term use LOWERS blood pressure over time , and there is no risk of heart failure . The reproductive system also has receptors . Lower sperm count is irrevelant and so is hormone levels because they are barely affected . Sex drive is increased when high and is not affacted negatively in the long run or short run . No fertility issues . In fact 90 percent of the picture is wrong .

"I personally, have been smoking for over 25 years. A majority of which I smoked everyday, especially in the last 10 years. Was obligated to cease for a year and a half. I BEGAN AGAIN BY PURE CHOICE and had not a single side affect or withdrawal period, period." (Mr. M. Strindberg)

Cannabis and pregnancy
It is known that THC enters the blood stream of the developing baby from the mother when she uses the drug. Smoking, whether tobacco or cannabis, deprives the developing baby of oxygen. Other possible effects of heavy use during pregnancy (not yet proven) are:

increased risk of birth defects
increased risk of having a low birth weight baby
increased risk of leukemia in children who were exposed before birth (National Task Force on Cannabis 1994:15).

Tolerance can develop in people who use a lot of cannabis. People who have been long term, heavy users who quit using cannabis can experience withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms include irritability, anxiousness, nausea, sweating, depression and disturbed sleep. not really ...
"I personally suffer from these and other symptoms, with or without cannabis use. Less so with the right cannabis strains." (Mr. M. Strindberg)

How many people use cannabis?
Cannabis is the most widely used illegal drug in Australia. One third of the population has tried it (National Task Force on Cannabis 1994:30). In most cases, the use is experimental. In a telephone survey of 200 randomly selected households in each State/Territory conducted in 1994 the NT consistently indicated the highest level of use with 55.2 per cent of respondents indicating having used cannabis and 16 per cent in the last month (Bowman & Sanson-Fisher 1994:4,26).

Statistics from 1996 survey of NT high school students indicate that 22 per cent of 16 year olds and 33 per cent of 17 year olds had used cannabis in the seven days prior to the survey (Bertram & O'Reilly 1998).

There is little known about Aboriginal people's use of cannabis. There are anecdotal reports of it being used widely by young people, particularly in communities in the Top End. The impression among people working with these communities is that cannabis use is increasing. In a 1994 national survey of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, two out of ten people in the NT listed cannabis as a local problem (ABS 1994).

Cannabis and the Law in the NT

The Misuse of Drugs Act makes possession and cultivation of cannabis in the NT a criminal offence. It is against the law to grow, supply, sell, possess or consume cannabis. The Act permits police the discretion to issue an infringement notice for some 'personal use' of cannabis.

An infringement notice (or 'on the spot' penalty notice) is a means of enforcing a breach of the criminal law through payment of a fixed penalty rather than a prosecution for an offence through the courts.

"So I found this article on the web, and remembered your post. I hope this can inform either you about your question, or someone who may have a similar or other question(s)..."

Idk how much you actually researched , but i have information that I've gotten from countless sources and know way too much about marijuana. A lot of this stuff has been disproven .
WOW Well Scientific facts and data! A simple cut & paste of a page of requested information!
So before you tell someone they're wrong for facts and information provided, try learning how to type and use spell check!!!
No, it's not f-cking wrong data, just data you don't agree with and approve of doesn't make it inadequate!!! just makes you prejudice!
Try leaving a positive message instead of editing documented facts to suit your needs!!!
Try following the same rules before you post!!!
Sir , I think you need to relax . I wasn't being hostile in any way , and you sir , are . And you try using big words to make me look small (I assume) which I could care less about . So , I will respond to you when you reply in a more calm way . As for now , you are nobody to me .

btw, your grammar is a tad off ;) and all I was saying was that I have most likely researched a lot more than you have and was simply correcting your misleading information . so , have a good day sir

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