New member in need of some quick info


New Member
Hello ladies and gents.
Just a quick question regarding fan and filter.

my area is 4 2 5 ''feet'' = 40 qubic feet ,Is this correct ? i have a fan and filter ,fans rated at 155 m3h pretty sure filter is 200 m3h ,Will this be powerful enough to clean the air ? I will be running 1 200 watt blue cfl and will ALSO be using a 300 watt red cfl

I know you guys are probably fed up with questions like these , I spent around 3 hours last night going round in circles trying to figure things out. No joy,

is my fan and filter up to the job ?

thanks for your time and patience with people like me :)
Hello ladies and gents.
Just a quick question regarding fan and filter.

my area is 4 2 5 ''feet'' = 40 qubic feet ,Is this correct ? i have a fan and filter ,fans rated at 155 m3h pretty sure filter is 200 m3h ,Will this be powerful enough to clean the air ? I will be running 1 200 watt blue cfl and will ALSO be using a 300 watt red cfl

I know you guys are probably fed up with questions like these , I spent around 3 hours last night going round in circles trying to figure things out. No joy,

is my fan and filter up to the job ?

thanks for your time and patience with people like me :)
Looks like it will do just fine. Maybe someone else can confirm .

"carpe diem"
Really ? happy days :) For some reason i thought it might be undergunned for my space with a carbon filter.

Can anyone help me out with a formula for calculating all this out,if its not too much to ask ,just for my own peace of mind really :)

Thanks for your answers gents
Really ? happy days :) For some reason i thought it might be undergunned for my space with a carbon filter.

Can anyone help me out with a formula for calculating all this out,if its not too much to ask ,just for my own peace of mind really :)

Thanks for your answers gents
A meter is equivalent to 3.28 feet. Your fan is rated to 155 cubic meters per hour or 47.25 cubic feet per hour.

Sent from my SM-T530NU using 420 Magazine Mobile App
A meter is equivalent to 3.28 feet. Your fan is rated to 155 cubic meters per hour or 47.25 cubic feet per hour.

Sent from my SM-T530NU using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Sry thats wrong, 155 cubic meters n hour is 508 cubic feet per hour, lol its getting late

Sent from my SM-T530NU using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Choosing the Right Fan for Exhaust System
Even when you're not worried about heat, it's still important to regularly replace all the air in the grow area, which means you need a way to vent out old air. An exhaust system uses fans and often ducting to move hot and humid air out of the grow space.

With any exhaust system, your goal is to vent out hot air, and replace it with fresh, cool air

Designing an efficient exhaust system will be much simpler if you take the time to understand airflow in a room - the whole idea of setting up an exhaust system is to create negative airflow in the grow space or grow tent so that any hot air is regularly replaced with new, fresh cool air.

All the air in the tent should be replaced by new air every 1-3 minutes for the best results. I recommend aiming to replace the air every one minute unless you live in a cool place. You can calculate the strength of exhaust fan you need based on the dimensions of your grow space.

In order to move air out of the tent and vent it outside, you need to use at least one strong fan as part of your exhaust system.

With every exhaust system, the idea is to vent out hot, humid or stale air, so it completely leaves the grow space

How to Calculate Exhaust Fan Strength
In the US, most exhaust fans have a "CFM" rating. This means "cubic feet per minute" and is talking about how much air the fan can move each minute. It's important to get a fan with the correct CFM rating for your size space.

In addition to CFM, there are 3 sizes that exhaust fans come in as far as diameter (how wide the fan is). They usually come in 4”, 6” or 8”. Generally it’s recommended to get a 6” for most setups, since most air-cooled hoods and ducting have a 6” opening. You can also use converters if you need to convert a 6” hold to a 4” fan. 8” fans are usually used for more high-powered grows.

You probably want a fan with a 6” diameter exhaust fan

Here's a short equation to help you determine what CFM rating you need for your fan in your space.

How to calculate CFM needed

Determine the cubic area of your space by multiplying Length x Width x Height. You want to exhaust this amount of air every minute.

Exhaust Efficiency - Every exhaust system has some level of inefficiency which will lower the amount of air being moved by the fan. This step tells you how much extra air-moving power needed to compensate. With an efficient exhaust, air goes in a short, straight line after passing through the fan. An inefficient path is when air has to go a long way after leaving the fan, or if the air has to go around turns instead of being in a straight line. This step will help make sure your fan is moving enough air to properly ventilate your space.
• Efficient path - multiply previous number by 2
• Inefficient path - multiply previous number by 3

Pick your fan. Fans are measured by CFM (cubic feet/minute), so you need a fan that has a CFM higher than the number you figured out in the last step.

Fan CFM Rating Table
(here are some examples of possible setups using the equation above to figure out CFM)

2’ x 4’ x 5’ 250W 80-120 CFM
3’ x 3’ x 6’ 400W 108 - 162 CFM
3.5’ x 3.5’ x 6.5’ 600W 160 - 238 CFM
4' x 4' x 7' 1,000W 224 - 336 CFM

* Of course fans don’t come in all these sizes, so round up to the closest fan size available.

You’ll generally need a higher CFM rating if your grow space tends to get hot or humid, and it's usually better to get an exhaust fan that is too big than one that is too little!

... ..cheerz...h00k...:Hookah:
Im still none the wiser ,getting mixed answers ,Yes its good enough and its a little small and that will do ,I really do appreciate you guys trying to help me out :) Trying to calculate this all out genuinely gives me a head ache ,Smell is a big issue ,and if my fan isn't up to the job i wont even try.

Guess im looking for a mr authority to come along and save me from my own self inflicted headaches :)

This is all made more complicated ''for me'' because of the cfm and m3h conversion -Im usless at math and calculations ,But im an alright gardener

Yeah!...a pain doing conversions(especially, high!...lolool...)...your 155cubic meters per hour equals 91.2 Cubic feet per 3 times a minute for your volume(40 cubic feet) which is a standard recommended by some for air exchange... the way I see it...Yer a lil shy on
your horse power for extraction...butt add a couple fans in the space for circulation...I don't see any real issue...cheerz...h00k...:Hookah:...for the thinking may be somewhat impaired by chronic and/or cerveza...lolool...
Im still none the wiser ,getting mixed answers ,Yes its good enough and its a little small and that will do ,I really do appreciate you guys trying to help me out :) Trying to calculate this all out genuinely gives me a head ache ,Smell is a big issue ,and if my fan isn't up to the job i wont even try.

Guess im looking for a mr authority to come along and save me from my own self inflicted headaches :)

This is all made more complicated ''for me'' because of the cfm and m3h conversion -Im usless at math and calculations ,But im an alright gardener

If it is the smell you are worried about the carbon filter is what prevents that.

"carpe diem"
Yeah!...a pain doing conversions(especially, high!...lolool...)...your 155cubic meters per hour equals 91.2 Cubic feet per 3 times a minute for your volume(40 cubic feet) which is a standard recommended by some for air exchange... the way I see it...Yer a lil shy on
your horse power for extraction...butt add a couple fans in the space for circulation...I don't see any real issue...cheerz...h00k...:Hookah:...for the thinking may be somewhat impaired by chronic and/or cerveza...lolool...

High ,whats that ? Yes its been that long :(
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