newbie gettin it on


New Member
Newbie grower.
terrable procastinator
this should be fun.

Here we go.. i have two dutch passion snow buds growing..


I started under a desk in our room. 2 X 30 watt x 18" flourescent tubes.
Two dixie cups as seedlings. Moved in and out if it was nice and sunny. (Just stopped it this week as its been super windy)

At about 3 weeks i put them in the 3gal orange buckets. Again the same. Couple inches from the lights and in and out.

They out grew that so i slapped up a room in our wood shed for them...

My brother inlaw gave me a crash course on pruning and what i have read on here.

Any how i know my grow room needs alot of work and i need new lights...

What i want to know is how do these girls look for 6 -7 weeks?

I water each a cup of well water each day should i ramp that up?
Was afraid to over do it like they say all newbs do.

I also have a plant aquarium lamp in there and a reg light bulb for a bit of heat.

Will fix the room soon i have been trying to do it for free...
have 6 auto flowers on the way and want to set up a scrog. But really got to nail down pruning... ok so joimt is done


Re: newbie gettin it on....

So do these look ok?
Should i just flower them now?
Dutch passion snow bud feminized plants
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