Nobody's COB Perpetual: Various Strains & Some Edible Fun At Times In A Tiny Tent

Good tunes for an afternoon.
I'm listening to Social Distortion and Tool . I've got some frustrations to get out....time to mow.

I am going to throw on some Tool at some point this weekend, excellent choices. I mowed earlier in the week.

That Nagual looks thirsty to me. But don't feed it Pepsi, that stuff is nasty! How big is that pot?

I just gave it another liter with BB and GB to about 400ppm. Going to give it a liter of just water in an hour or so.

The Nagual went from a 2g to a 7g Smartpot with the hot soil on May 12, and was moved outside to flower on May 31st. It was doused with Safer and spent a week in shade/partly cloudy skys.
MMG Nagual 1:1 (Pf)x2 - Day 141 - outside may 31

Nagual Clones @ 46 days @ looking shitty (cull?)
Unknown C99 photo @ 31 days @ looking shitty (cull?)
Greenhouse Seed Company Diamond Girl @ 14 days
Barney's Pinā Pronto @ 9 days

Dutch Passion Auto Durban Poison @ 3 days
Dutch Passion Auto Cinderella Jack @ 3 days

Cracked in napkin- 1x Unknown Hindu Kush Auto and 3x Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry OG.

The Nagual outside is looking good, I am trying to hit it with about 200ppm on one day followed by around 400ppm the alternate. No more yellow leaves at this point, so will give some faster N tomorrow at a low ppm.

One of the Nagual clones is looking like there is a little more green each day up top. Fingers crossed.

The c99 has done much of nothing. Fingers crossed.

Diamond girl is dark and healthy, no rush on her.

Same with the PE, DP and CJ.

All the autos that dropped cracked. Toes crossed.
I’m thinking of dropping some seeds tomorrow. I kinda like starting seeds on the first of the month, makes keeping track of time a little easier for me. The problem with that is that I’ll probably have some stretchy seedlings since the seedlings will be under the Cinderberry canopy couple of weeks.
I’m thinking of dropping some seeds tomorrow. I kinda like starting seeds on the first of the month, makes keeping track of time a little easier for me. The problem with that is that I’ll probably have some stretchy seedlings since the seedlings will be under the Cinderberry canopy couple of weeks.
Run them under a cfl on the side of the tent.
Stick them on a stack of books! Who has time to read any more?
I am actually about to read Brave New World, one of the only Huxley books i've passed on.

Dunno why I never picked it up.

PS, Allman Macon 72 on. I always break out the allman brothers on the 4th.
MMG Nagual 1:1 (Pf)x2 - Day 141 - outside June 1

Unknown C99 photo @ 34 days @ looking shitty (cull?)
Greenhouse Seed Company Diamond Girl @ 17 days
Barney's Pinā Pronto @ 12 days

Dutch Passion Auto Durban Poison @ 6 days
Dutch Passion Auto Cinderella Jack @ 6 days

Hindu Kush Auto & DP Auto Glueberry OG in ProHP

Cracked in napkin- 2x Dutch Passion Auto Glueberry OG.

Today I put the solo hindu kush auto and one of the glueberrys in promix. Waiting on the other two glue to get a little more cracked.

The Nagual is getting a gallon a day outside, and some hand hose watering as Dunno the number of tops, don't want to count. It has three supercropped sites and was topped a few times over it's 140 day veg. Temps are up to about 94 now, it's windy, and humid out. Plant looks happy. I still dunno what others outside lighting is going to do to the plant. In it's location, with the lux meter, once the sun is down it reads 0, so I assume that is good. Full Moon I get like a 9-15 or so.

Only one Nagual has green left. Bummer. Of the two photos, the diamond girl is looking decent. I think the c99 is meh, and prob going to cull, we will keep it around in a solo to see if it changes it's mind.

Hope everyone has a great 4th! I stocked up on blunts for my long weekend. Plan on a nap to recoup from getting in late from the DeadCo. show.
Have fun at the show!!! Happy 4th y'all!
Last night was the show, I believe it is on youtube. Watch through Drums/Space. Good tempo, nice jams.

60mg of edibles spread out. Vaped pretty hard prior to going in. Lotta flower passed. No hassles.

As I recall, a plant will flower with a small constant light nearby because it gets used to that. Lights that go on and off like sensor or back door lights that folks turn on and off will be the ones that create problems.
These are all on timers, I nor neighbors have motion lights. That was kinda my thought as well.

I did place this plant outside on the 1st, and it seems to be flowering slower than it's mom did inside. Regardless, it's flowering, healthy, and pretty much bug free. I just pick any bad bugs off it in the morning.

The delay in flowering could have been due to the use of safer/shock. I dunno. This is my first flower.
Everything is coming along smooth in veg. It looks like the Nagual clone is trying to green up and throw some new leaves....I only hope.

Some bird took a big ass dump on my outside Nagual. I had to wash it off It is getting about 4-5 liters a day. It will be interesting to see how it does when the index starts reading 108 for the next few weeks.
MMG Nagual 1:1 (Pf)x2 - Day 141 - outside June 1

Unknown C99 photo @ 41 days
Greenhouse Seed Company Diamond Girl @ 24 days

Barney's Pinā Pronto @ 19 days

Dutch Passion Auto Durban Poison @ 13 days
Dutch Passion Auto Cinderella Jack @ 13 days
DP Auto Glueberry OG @ 6 days

Welp, the Hindu Kush did not come up, and the other two glueberrys did not crack. Looks like I will drop another Hindu Kush this week, let it get a longer tap.

I have found 3 caterpillars on the Nagual over the week, doubt I am going to spray, don't see damage, and would rather go out there smoke a blunt and pick them off. If I start seeing damage....

The nagual is taking about 6L a day to stay happy, the heat index is around 108. We will see what happens, that is not optimal....

A front came in and blew it over so I moved it in for a bit.

The Nagual clone has two new leaves. It's from a node, dunno if the top survives. Oh well, let the node get bigger and do it right this time.

MMG Nagual 1:1 (Pf)x2 - Day 141 - outside June 1

Unknown C99 photo @ 41 days
Greenhouse Seed Company Diamond Girl @ 24 days

Barney's Pinā Pronto @ 19 days

Dutch Passion Auto Durban Poison @ 13 days
Dutch Passion Auto Cinderella Jack @ 13 days
DP Auto Glueberry OG @ 6 days

Welp, the Hindu Kush did not come up, and the other two glueberrys did not crack. Looks like I will drop another Hindu Kush this week, let it get a longer tap.

I have found 3 caterpillars on the Nagual over the week, doubt I am going to spray, don't see damage, and would rather go out there smoke a blunt and pick them off. If I start seeing damage....

The nagual is taking about 6L a day to stay happy, the heat index is around 108. We will see what happens, that is not optimal....

A front came in and blew it over so I moved it in for a bit.

The Nagual clone has two new leaves. It's from a node, dunno if the top survives. Oh well, let the node get bigger and do it right this time.

108 is no joke, stay hydrated. It only got up to 80 here today it's been a very mild summer for us.
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