The General
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After several failed attempts in the state House, Oklahoma voters may soon have a chance to decide whether marijuana should be legal in our state. Later this month supporters will start collecting signatures on a petition to get the issue on the November ballot. The initiative would decriminalize marijuana for recreational use, legalize it for medical use, and make it legal for farmers to grow it and export out of state as a cash crop. Kelsey Hill is a mother of two and is adamantly against making pot part of Oklahoma culture, even for medical use. "I think there's other alternatives out there," she said. Rashawn Wilson sees two big reasons our state should change its marijuana laws. "I don't think you should go to the penitentiary for something that you grow, you know what I'm saying? And plus, you don't hear, you hear about wrecks on alcohol. You don't too much hear about people killing anybody on marijuana," he said.
State Sen. Connie Johnson, who after three failed attempts to pass legislation in the statehouse is supporting the petition imitative, thinks more Oklahomans see things as Wilson does. She also said marijuana and hemp, a THC-free form of the marijuana plant used for industrial purposes, used to be one of Oklahoma's most prevalent natural crops. "Had its beginnings in Oklahoma back in the '20s when we were the leading producer of rope from hemp," said Johnson. That's why she thinks we should start growing it again and ship it out across the country.
"If we get on the bandwagon too long after too many other states have done this, we're certainly putting ourselves behind the curve when it comes to maximizing our potential profit," she said. But Hill isn't sold on that idea either. "We have brought gambling into the state and we haven't used that money like we should. And so if you're going to bring marijuana into the state you're not going to use the money properly either," said Hill. Johnson said the initiative includes specific language outlining where the money would go. Once the petition period begins supporters will have 90 days to gather more than 155,000 signatures for the initiative to make it to the November ballot.
News Moderator - The General @ 420 MAGAZINE ®
Author: Ian Silver
Contact: Contact Us - FOX23 News
Website: Oklahomans could soon vote on legalizing marijuana - FOX23 News
State Sen. Connie Johnson, who after three failed attempts to pass legislation in the statehouse is supporting the petition imitative, thinks more Oklahomans see things as Wilson does. She also said marijuana and hemp, a THC-free form of the marijuana plant used for industrial purposes, used to be one of Oklahoma's most prevalent natural crops. "Had its beginnings in Oklahoma back in the '20s when we were the leading producer of rope from hemp," said Johnson. That's why she thinks we should start growing it again and ship it out across the country.
"If we get on the bandwagon too long after too many other states have done this, we're certainly putting ourselves behind the curve when it comes to maximizing our potential profit," she said. But Hill isn't sold on that idea either. "We have brought gambling into the state and we haven't used that money like we should. And so if you're going to bring marijuana into the state you're not going to use the money properly either," said Hill. Johnson said the initiative includes specific language outlining where the money would go. Once the petition period begins supporters will have 90 days to gather more than 155,000 signatures for the initiative to make it to the November ballot.

News Moderator - The General @ 420 MAGAZINE ®
Author: Ian Silver
Contact: Contact Us - FOX23 News
Website: Oklahomans could soon vote on legalizing marijuana - FOX23 News