Oldbear's Latest Experiment: Cannberries, Cannachews, Budlette Berries Or Whatever

Why am I doing this?

I have my little garden growing. I'll be blessed with lots of buds in a few weeks -timing is weather dependant because they are outside.

So soon I can play with a COB. These little balls are mini-cobs without the fermentation.

I expect lots of small buds so it's a way to process those.

I like to eat cannabis. I don't mind the taste and I very much like my bodies reaction to the cannabinoid acids and the terpenes.

I'm a micro dosing guy with many small doses through the day also I can make it last by not chewing it as much.

Holy hell moment - I can vary the dose and effects by how fast I eat it.

How are you finding that your effects are varying based off your consumption speeds. How do they differ?
I've been thinking awhile on a response to this. It's a great question.....

One difference is that the fresh buds I've been playing with are home grown rather than purchased from one of Canada's Licensed Producers. They are Northern Lights auto flower plans which is marketed as a mid teens thc and no cbd. My normal is a 1:2 or 1:3 thc:cbd.

Does fresh make a difference. I think so.

Not having offsetting cbd makes a difference.

This includes mild munchies, and what I call racy brain. There is more energy and awareness of what is going on around me. What I call squirrel brain where while focused on one thing, then I get distracted by something else.

A stronger awareness of what's going on inside my body - it's like I'm communicating with my ECS and through it can focus on specific body parts. This aspect is about pain relief and sore/stiffness.

These differences are determined by what I take. I have a selection of edible oils, fresh buds, dried buds, cannaberries, and my mini cob.

Increasing the frequency of dose makes the effects stronger and more noticeable maybe.

Hope this makes some sense ...
Well I think a key part of what you said was what you grew and harvested vs what you got at dispensaries. I don't buy from a dispensary but I have a friend that does and he always brings by samples for me to try. I will say 90% of what I have tried in the bud department from dispensaries is crap compared to home grown, and not all home grown is equal! SO I think anything you consume from your garden will likely be superior in effects and quality to those dispensary buds.
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