Organic preventative pesticide for clones


Active Member
hey all! So I'm getting some new clones this week, and they're healthy, so I want to keep them that way!
A few growers have told me the best way to prevent mildew/bugs is to treat the room and plants like you already have them.

So, with that being said... what do you all do to prevent problems? (organically)

I have a pretty large room with around 30 plants. So, I was planning on spraying all my clones with Garden Safe 3-In-1 Fungicide when they first come in and continue to spray every 3 days until I flip them into flower, then I'll stop with the spraying. Is this safe and good for our plants? I want to be able to test my weed after harvest, and pass for everything so I do not want any recommendations that will make me fail, or make my weed taste like shit and unhealthy.

I also heard to "dip" my plants before I bring them in my garden... what do I dip them in?? The same stuff I use to spray?

ONE last question.. I know, long post, my bad! But my humidity in my veg room with my last set of clones would not go past 55%, even with the dehumidifier off. I want my humidity at around 65% for my clones so should I buy a humidifier then??
Thanks all!!

This is a great totally natural and organic way to fight pests and disease in our plants. I also spray my plants regularly with active colonies of microbes from my compost teas and microbial superpack supplements. A good cannabis appropriate mulch can make a big difference in breaking the lifecycle of many of our pests too.
I use a organic product called Mildew Cure. It doesn't cover bugs but it does lots of other stuff. Especially if they are clones brought into your grow from somewhere else. I got Powdery Mildew just that way. It took me a year and a half to get rid of it. You are right in doing the preventive stuff.
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