2 gal Quality Organic Soil-mix
2 gal Coir (coconut fiber)
2 gal Perlite (small grain size)
2 gal Earthworm Castings
1½ cup Grow or Bloom ‘Pure’ by Organicare (or 1 cup 5-5-5)
½ cup Greensand
¾ cup Ground Oyster Shells (1 cup if no crushed oyster shells)
1½ cup Crushed Oyster Shells (optional)
½ cup Dolomite Lime (powdered)
1 cup Prilled (pelletized) Fast Acting Dolomite Lime
¼ cup Blood Meal
¼ cup (heaping) Feather Meal
1 cup un-steamed Bone Meal
½ cup Bulb Food (3-8-8 as one good N-P-K example)
¼ cup Soft Rock Phosphate (powdered)
½ cup (heaping) Gypsum (powdered)
½ cup Kelp Meal
4 cups (heaping) Composted Steer Manure (this inoculates your mix with specialized bacteria and primo organic matter)
½ cup Azomite granular
1 cup Humic Acid ( granular or powdered)
1 cup Organic Alfalfa Meal
1 cup (heaping) organic rice (important for the good fungi in this soil-mix)
2 gal Quality Organic Soil-mix
2 gal Coir (coconut fiber)
2 gal Perlite (small grain size)
2 gal Earthworm Castings
1½ cup Grow or Bloom ‘Pure’ by Organicare (or 1 cup 5-5-5)
½ cup Greensand
¾ cup Ground Oyster Shells (1 cup if no crushed oyster shells)
1½ cup Crushed Oyster Shells (optional)
½ cup Dolomite Lime (powdered)
1 cup Prilled (pelletized) Fast Acting Dolomite Lime
¼ cup Blood Meal
¼ cup (heaping) Feather Meal
1 cup un-steamed Bone Meal
½ cup Bulb Food (3-8-8 as one good N-P-K example)
¼ cup Soft Rock Phosphate (powdered)
½ cup (heaping) Gypsum (powdered)
½ cup Kelp Meal
4 cups (heaping) Composted Steer Manure (this inoculates your mix with specialized bacteria and primo organic matter)
½ cup Azomite granular
1 cup Humic Acid ( granular or powdered)
1 cup Organic Alfalfa Meal
1 cup (heaping) organic rice (important for the good fungi in this soil-mix)