Outdoor Grow - Insectiside


New Member
I'm going to plant outside in Phoenix, AZ. I have a concoction of tobacco juice, soap and hot sauce. How often do I need to spray the plant? How big of a hole do I need for a single plant?
Any home made insecticides I would test on a single leaf, just to ensure it doesn't do any damage.

How big a hole? It depends on the size of your plant.

Personally, if my plant were a foot high, I'd dig a hole a foot deep by a foot wide.

How is your soil? Does it need organic matter? Cow manure (composted) and peat moss are two good amendments you can add.

Does it drain well? If not, add in some sand.

Do you plan on filling the hole with a good potting mix? Some people do that.

This year is my first grow. I have good garden soil so I haven't added anything. The holes I dug were big enough to hold the peat pots that held the seedlings. Now they're both doing well.

Good luck.
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