I just read his Thread(BOOK) for the first time, and everyone is Right, RangerDanger speaks in a way that captures the reader. I think I can explain why Ranger Danger does not return, if I may be so bold as to attempt to do so. He felt that he was betraying His Buddies in the LEO,Forest Ranger and Volunteer Forest Service agencies. Someone that He probably really trusted told Him that He should stop writing this, He already probably had these feelings anyways, and that He just had to MUCH TO LOSE, and I commend Him of His forbearance, and ability to reel Himself in. If it were not for the fact I am basically OUT, do I feel comfortable enough to come forward and show what my contribution to this community has been. Believe me, it is tough when you work for the Government in any capacity, and no matter what , your responsibilities lie there first. I believe most Americans or Members of any country for that matter, realize you cannot have Civil Servants that do not show up for the call. Or Armies, that the people who run or are in them, only show up when they feel like it. Anyways I have said enough. RangerDanger, I commend You. I suspect You may return some day, when you feel the time is right. Thank You for letting me Speak. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.