Outdoor Growing Tutorial

I just read his Thread(BOOK) for the first time, and everyone is Right, RangerDanger speaks in a way that captures the reader. I think I can explain why Ranger Danger does not return, if I may be so bold as to attempt to do so. He felt that he was betraying His Buddies in the LEO,Forest Ranger and Volunteer Forest Service agencies. Someone that He probably really trusted told Him that He should stop writing this, He already probably had these feelings anyways, and that He just had to MUCH TO LOSE, and I commend Him of His forbearance, and ability to reel Himself in. If it were not for the fact I am basically OUT, do I feel comfortable enough to come forward and show what my contribution to this community has been. Believe me, it is tough when you work for the Government in any capacity, and no matter what , your responsibilities lie there first. I believe most Americans or Members of any country for that matter, realize you cannot have Civil Servants that do not show up for the call. Or Armies, that the people who run or are in them, only show up when they feel like it. Anyways I have said enough. RangerDanger, I commend You. I suspect You may return some day, when you feel the time is right. Thank You for letting me Speak. SINCERELY, JAMESTHEGREEN.
RangerDanger, one thing it sounds like is yes a lot of work and a lot of fun, for me it sounds like a page out of my past (before back surgery) and also makes me already start missing spring when winter aint even got here yet:) I always trip out in winter waiting on spring. Yes digging holes and bringing in soil is a chore even when you have a quad with a small trailer, in the suns it's a chore and can be dangerous if things like water to drink aren't thought about.
Tamemoe i like what you're doing. As instructed you'll want to make sure the area you chose is not ever frequented. Planting close to existing/indigenous growth helps w/the camoflage. Think like a grower. A plant standing in the middle of a clearing is going to be obvious. Water is heavy so a good backpack w/a bladder/container will be best. Prepare your holes/beds and watch and see if they get played in. Grow +/- 10 plants in pots at home. Pick out the shortest,fattest plants as these are the females. Only grow these. Before maturation if a plant starts doing the pollen thing, ie being male, yank it. Thinking out loud I'd look around nurseries for signs or boards or even make my own (laminated) with : Caution- Poison Ivy. Simple and to the point. Ten or so of these at approaches to your grow space might just be a deterrant. Also if they get disturbed you'll know someones been there. Home grown is the best. Start small.
Clones are specifically female or you've been had. But two are enough to start with. Make sure the potting area is well dug over and drains well. I fill the dug hole with water first. Thouroughly wetting it. Think subterranian food locker. Then I add my compost,bark ( use whatever will hold water and nutrients ) small twigs a buncha dry leaves (the earthworms love those) and the clone. Cover any holes and water immediately to the fill point and stop. Do Not OVERWATER. The ground must never become soggy. There are many tips on you tube. Look up "pinching back" it's vital to getting a bumper crop. Relax and Enjoy. You've joined a virtual Tribe. :)
Thanks and another question. It gets pretty cold at night where i live in the summer time like around 50 degrees, is that gonna be a problem since im gonna be growing outdoors????
I don't see that as a problem. As you're growing in the summer you should have enough light. You might cover your plants at night whilst they're establishing themselves. Large plastic drink bottles w/their ends cut off serve well. As long as they're getting plenty of sunshine they'll do well.
Sweet thread! I'm currently scouting for another guerilla spot in my area for the next season or emergency :) I found out how easily you can make a clearing in blackberry bushes. Wonder what Ranger Danger would say...
Ranger D. would advise covering your tracks. Break direction and circle if you can to observe where you've come from and notice if you're being followed. Look out of your chosen spot to see from where it'll be obviously spotted. Check these points out. Nothing left to chance you'll be doing more "scouting" anyway... Great exercise. Fantastic rewards. Tell no one. And enjoy the berries
Berries will be soon gone and turn into compost... won't tell anyone, would like to pull forward as a guerilla grower until things change for better hopefully :)
I'm not understanding this tutorial. I thought if it was made a sticky that meant it contained a certain amount of useful information. I do agree that it is written like a book and keeps the readers attention. With that said I think it's nowhere near complete and I'm dissipointed that another knowledgeable member didn't finish it. Like how to get the water in. Types of soil either native and amendments.

I just hoped it would have a lot more information I guess. Very nicely written anyway:)
guys, what is your stance on plants outdoor in the rain? i live in mass and i got a plant in the middle of flowering thats apparently about to take 7 days of straight rain and near hurricane like winds. its all supported with sticks so it wont fall over with a tomato cover over it at the moment.
It depends on the strain. What I'd do is to leave it for the rain and check after 2-3 days. If you find some, mold chop it. If you don't, then let her finish in peace.
In general it doesn't, it helps more :cheesygrinsmiley:
okay well what about 7 straight days of it? check out my weekly forecast... also, sorry for all the questions but one more....can the plant be drowned? i mean, there ends up being a pool of water that submerges a few inches of the stem where it meets the dirt....is that bad? i been out there with a little cup cupping water and throwing it elsewhere. lol

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