Peyton's CS Side Project

Can't wait to hear the answer. I'll have to make sure and keep track of the amount of time between balls appearing the other day and them being ready for plucking
Things are looking good. She's coming along nicely, slowly getting bigger balls by the day. Took the CS cabinet out of tent yesterday. I know they say heat and humidity kill pollen, so she'll do well in the cooler drier air. Now we just play the waiting game...
I was really hoping mine would grow and do it's thing before the rest go into flower, but that won't happen. So i still have a very small risk of cross contamination, but I won't worry bout that. I'll start spraying a thc bomb clone when i flip the rest of them
You're golden with all your clones to go at so I'm sure you'll get something good out of it all. I was hoping to pollinate itself & WM but I think both of them will go to far in. That's if I even get nanners. I might have started too late for it to work?
I'm wondering if you can still pollinate them and when you harvest, just leave the pollinated buds on to keep going longer. I think they said it takes about 4 weeks to get mature seeds
thanks for posting all this i think i have some reassurance with mine now i have been noticing where i spray the hairs turn orange and go away i completely cut some hairs but some hairs dissapeared on their own so i take it somethings working either way i think i might scrap a plant completely and start over good info so i gotta wait 20-35 days after pollination
It seems spraying before the flip speeds the transition to male bits. I'm still waiting for signs of change after 25 days, I only started spraying 2 days before she went into flower. Payton & Mr Dreams started whilst still in veg & they have balls/nanners :)
I started spraying mine the first day i flipped to 12/12. I get the spray nozzle right above the budsite, and barely pull the trigger. You just need a couple tiny droplets to stick to each budsite
I always have my girls showing their lady bits before they go into flower due to the longish veg times. I wonder if spraying it as soon as it shows sex would be better for me?
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