New Member
Long time smoker here (if 10 years can be considered long lol) but new to the growing scene! I've been browsing and searching these forums for the past month now so I figured it necessary to finally say hello! Lol. I acquired a Phototron 2 for super cheap (a gram cheap) and started my research, gathered my needed materials ($6 spent so far) and gave it a go. My seedling sprouted and we are on day 2
. (Seed came from a bag of good smoke about a year ago) Figured I'd post the pictures I took (Not the best) and see if all you knowledgeable growers out there can tell me if my little girl looks like she is off to a good start? Should I be concerned about part of the membrane still being on a leaf? Also, 1 cotyledon is bigger than the other?? Is this normal?? Sorry for all the question but any advice for a newbie is appreciated!