Please Help Support 420 Magazine This Holiday Season


420 Magazine is a community-supported organization which relies on Sponsors and Donations to operate.

By contributing, you can help ensure that quality information about Cannabis, Hemp & Marijuana remains freely available.

Help support our mission to create Cannabis awareness to the world, by making a simple donation today.

Your donations purchase server hardware, office equipment, software, upgrades, hosting, programming, rent, utilities, food and medicine.

Anything will Help, $1, $5, $10, $20, $40, $100, $1,000 or more.

Thank you for your continued support of our mission to create Cannabis awareness to the world.

Please send donations to the address below

420 Magazine
14 Monarch Bay Plaza #420
Monarch Beach, CA 92629

Please contact to become a 420 Sponsor.

Donations & Gifts are MUCH APPRECIATED!

Love & Respect from everyone at 420 Magazine!
Happy Hempy Holidays

:cheer: I pledge to match up to the first $420 donated between now and new years eve :cheer:

Want to make a difference? Now you can make twice the difference :surf:

Personal check for you out of the Cannabis closet types. Money order for those of you wishing to retain full stealthiness with your identity.

Giving feels great - giving back feels even better ;)

420 Magazine
14 Monarch Bay Plaza #420
Monarch Beach, CA 92629
got ya $42 and 0 cents headin ur way ... :peace:

Allright Brother Weedpipe, thx ubber much for pledge. Such a nice round number too ;)

Anybody else?

$5 or $10 bucks via money order x 40-50 people would max out the entire matching funds challenge ;)
My $20 money order's on it's way. As someone who suffers from epilepsy this site has made a big difference in my life. The knowledge I found here gave me the power to speak up, and the people are what made me stay. So thanks to all of you.

Till now I have only been able to offer my time., but I'm now taking you up on your challenge. I hope everyone will show the love, too. :hug:

Peace and 420
Funny how staff are the only ones who usually donate...
Seems they are the only ones who truly understand what we go through behind the scenes, making this place what it is every day for everyone.
I am so grateful to have you, thank you so very much for everything you do.
Sending you all my love, respect and positive energy through the universe.

Thanks Brother Roseman, fantastic news.

Please send to:
420 Magazine
14 Monarch Bay Plaza #420
Monarch Beach, CA 92629

:cheer: That make $342 to date :cheer:

Just $98 more to reach the goal

Anybody else? Every $5 or $10 helps ;)
Justin would like to see all the info on advertising in the magazine. Banner ads on web etc. We would be more than happy to help in many ways! You all are very worthy of all our support!
Justine and Justin

PM us for private email or use the one on file.
Thank You and Happy New Year 420 Magazine!
So with 47 minutes left in the challenge, Brother Cherma comes through and pushes us over the top. :woohoo:

Thanks to all who've donated. We've met the mini-fund raising goal :thanks:

:cheer: :blushsmile: :cheer:
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