

420 Member
I have 3 cbd auto cheese 1 had preflower at day 18 I'm on day 23 still no sign of preflower on others is this normal there is something but it doesn't look like your average preflower if it is would be male but it hasn't changed in size like a growing sack
I have 3 cbd auto cheese 1 had preflower at day 18 I'm on day 23 still no sign of preflower on others is this normal there is something but it doesn't look like your average preflower if it is would be male but it hasn't changed in size like a growing sack

There are things that will slow down an auto. If they are stunted, that can do it. Also if the pot it's in is large enough, that can also prolong the vegetative stage, but not real long.

Also, sometimes a plant will get stressed and start the preflower. Natures way of preserving it's future babies. Flower fast to get seeds done.

Give it about 6 weeks, if it doesn't flow by then, you may need to change your light schedule. There are some strains that tend to be unstable, and that does happen. If they do not auto-flower, you may want to contact CK and see if they will honor the sell.

We'll look at the pictures when you upload them, then go from there.

Welcome to the forum. :thumb:
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