Question about pictures


Well-Known Member
OK, before I post more I would like some information about pictures

1. Where do I find out how to post several smaller pictures in a row on the same line in a post.
Is it picture size? have been resizing all picture to the bigger side being 1100 pixels
2. Where do I find out how to post pictures in the click to enlarge layout

I have poked around a bit, but just decided to ask ;) before I start a grow journal or post much more.

Moderators feel free to move this to where ever is best ;)

OK so loading the images in to the media photo gallery will allow me to do what I want to do.

I glanced through things but did not see that. I will check again more thoroughly!

Thanks ;)
OK, update for new members. to get the smaller images on one row so that when clicked on you get a larger image. size them so the largest edge is below 1240? (the 420 max image size, I use 1100 pixels) and add them to your post as attachments.
While editing the small images will be vertical in the edit window. But when you post it they should appear on the same line.
OK, been meaning to get back here just in case I am not the only one that had to figure out inserting pictures.
  • You can add pictures as attachments from your local device without adding them to your/any media library first.
  • size all pictures so the longest side is 1200px or less the other side should auto adjust proportionally if dimensions are linked.
  • When you add a picture as an attachment a popup appears, this determines how the picture is inserted as a thumbnail or full size image. This is the feature you use to insert a picture in your post then enter more text after the picture.
  • You can do attachments without actually doing an insert. If you do all the pictures will be added at the end of your text as thumbnails when you post your reply.
At least this is what I have figured out. I am sure it is all in the doc somewhere but as a guy who reads the manual ;) lol
Can threads be closed I think this one is done.
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