Questions & Answers - Previously Banned Members & Banned Websites

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Why am I not allowed to talk about someone who has been banned?

This plays into to our task of focusing on the positive instead of the negative. The reasons for someone getting banned are various, whether it's from repeatedly violating the guidelines even after being advised not to, to name calling or just coming here to cause problems and create negative energy. We are trying to focus on the mission of changing these unjust laws against Cannabis and Hemp and discussing people and/or companies who have been banned from this website takes the focus off of that mission. It also creates the potential for drama and arguments being started which in essence causes more work for our already overloaded moderators. If you are curious about what happened to a certain member or company, you are more than welcome to ask any of the moderators or admins about them via pm, but we must ask you not to post public threads about it.
Questions and Answers - Previously Banned Members and Banned Websites

Why am I not able to post the name of certain websites?

Certain websites pose a problem from a standpoint of competition. Most cannabis websites are private companies, and as such operate based on income in order to pay human resources and overhead expenses. The various sites are all competing for sponsorship and sponsors base their decisions on traffic. Because of this, we ask our members to refrain from posting or linking to other 420 related websites.

Please remember that we are a private company, so freedom of speech does not apply here. What if you owned a business and someone came in telling everyone about your competitor next door? Surely they are not entitled to complete free speech while in your business - only outside the door can they speak freely without violating your right to control your own property.

In the same way, this website belongs to 420 Magazine and we have the right to control what happens here.

What about banned websites?

In order to protect the privacy and security of our members, we do not allow promotion or discussion of certain websites due to expired advertising and/or their unethical business decisions/practices.
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