the political party "representation of Navarre Cannabible"
Versión traducida de
Green project in Navarra (Spain)
The reality is that the current legal Cannabis is punishable under the Spanish penal code as a drug that does not cause serious damage to health and their possession, sale and public consumption are forbidden and are a crime against public health.
This reality, we see every year with the jailing of thousands of people each year for its traffic, hundreds of thousands of complaints @ s for possession or consumption of cannabis by fines from 300 Euros amounts to millions. The closure of premises where it is consumed. Moreover, police raids in search of that substance are the order of the day: in roads, buildings and lately, in the vicinity of schools.
Another obvious fact is that Cannabis, in particular the active substance of cannabis THC, is prepared in the market as a drug with very few contraindications, both naturally and synthetically. The medical application of cannabis has been studied in Catalonia by the department of pharmacology Hospital Vall d'Hebron, and are doing the first tests for 10 people with multiple sclerosis and cancer.
The reality of walking street is that taxpayers' money has been wasted in what has been termed the war against drugs. The cost so far has been the imprisonment of people linked to traffic (80% of the total prison population of Spain is in jail for crimes against public health). The thousands of fines imposed for possession or autocultivo. Wasteful advertising campaigns (made with the joint effort of experts and institutions with the support of big media stars with taxpayers' money).
The result of these policies implemented so far has been a resounding failure that it is clear from all indicators of recent surveys on drugs. The result: an increase in consumption and growing at younger ages. The polls reflect crystal clear that the drugs most consumed by the population of all developed countries of the world is Cannabis, with a world of difference on hard drugs. Curiously, one of the few countries where consumption falls within Europe, both soft and hard drugs, Holland is where is the standard sale and possession of cannabis for 30 years in coffeshops (5 grams per person per day).
The policies implemented over the years have not solved any problem. Thirty years of experience in the Netherlands have led the decline in consumption, the decline in crime, increased police efficiency, the generation of industry, jobs, taxes and attractive to hundreds of tourists who come to Holland. Should we continue to gamble on a path that has not only proved ineffective, but it has increased consumption and crime?
In this whole ordeal current situation there to add, perhaps the worst of its consequences. Many people think that this issue does not affect them because they are not consumers of Cannabis. They do not realize that under the present system is the only thing that does is to fund the mafia and organized crime, which could even destabilize the state and endanger democracy.
We can make this statement in the wake of the indictment of Judge Juan del Olmo on the 11-M, where he makes it clear that an important part of the financing of terrorist acts in Madrid, the fateful 11-M, was made with the Sales of Hashish. (Not surprisingly, the judge charged two of the 29 people involved in two separate crimes against health for sale and possession of soft drugs. Specifically about 60 kilos of hashish with a market value exceeding one million euros). Do we want consumers of Cannabis that with the money we spend will make these kinds of atrocities? Is not it better to do with that money will be roads, hospitals or detoxification?
Despite all this gloomy picture are millions of people throughout the world and tens of thousands of Navarre or those that have consumed cannabis illegally and suffer from this unjust situation of repression. What can be said of the patients who are prevented by law to have access to a plant that relieves them? How far are we going to endure cannabis users?
On the other hand there is a vacuum that nothing said in private consumption and self-sufficiency. If it made him join the community of living in an autonomous regulatory foral independent, we are in a privileged position compared to other countries and regions of Europe to be able to design a plan for legalization and standardization of Cannabis.
The arrogance of the Representation Cannabible of Navarre is making a new policy around that legalizing cannabis and standardize all aspects of this plant. In this way, from the RCN bet for the legalization and regulation of the consumption of marijuana and hashish produced entirely in Navarra. We believe that this policy will lead to reduced consumption, increase consumption at the age of 18 years and generate many more social benefits such as: Generation of jobs in the neediest social strata, revitalizing the agricultural sector, raising taxes and high in the Social Security. In addition to that, with legalization, cut off an important source of revenue coffers of groups engaged in organized crime and terrorism. All of this money would swell the economy of our community into schools, hospitals, roads etc ....
We are a representation, which means that when the project is done we represent pluripolÃtico proceed to the dissolution of representation as a political entity, once decided by the general assembly. To this end we want to represent an electoral program for the elections of the Community of Navarra in which he develops an effective regularization of the legalization of cannabis and its derivatives:
1 - We propose reforming the Improvement of Navarre during the next legislature for the Community of Navarra have full powers in health, economic, agricultural and social reality for Cannabis Legalization of fun for adults with coming of age , And the Legalization of Medicinal Cannabis produced entirely in Navarra.
2 - We propose the creation of a regulator and controller of Cannabis in Navarra. CRCN
This would stabilize an effective and quality control of cannabis playful, industrial hemp and cannabis resin (hashish) with a designation of origin in Navarra. This body will have punitive power to establishments and set the specifications and permits for opening. It also would control the sanitary product reaching the market taking a minimal risk of adulteration. In addition, ensure compliance and access by minors to establishments where it is permitted the sale or consumption of cannabis.
3 - We propose the regularization of the market navarro Cannabis and its outlets.
Through the establishment of specifications and requirements to enable point of sale and consumption of cannabis and cannabis resin produced in Navarra. We are talking about establishing in Navarra coffeshops the famous Dutch who are already carrying more than thirty years running. It is allowed to sell 5 grams per person per day within the sites with permission. Our goal is to improve and adapt, Navarra in this system by introducing two major improvements with respect to the Dutch system.
On the one hand we include the phytosanitary control by the CRCN of what is produced and the ability of this body to punish those who sell something in poor condition. (In the Netherlands there is no similar body).
On the other hand, however, in the green project, cannabis and its derivatives are produced entirely by our own farmers in Navarra.
This, in addition to cutting off the avenues of financing the mafias who currently control the drugs, carries generate significant benefits in economic terms: Creation of new jobs. Raising taxes to the coffers foral. Revitalizing the agricultural processing industry of Navarra (One sector of vital importance to any economy which is now in decline). The impetus to the tourism sector of Navarra. (In the Netherlands is subject to the small sale, but the crops are illegal and is punishable cultivar in large quantities)
4 - We propose the legalization and promotion of self-autocultivo and cannabis within the community Foral.
The adjustment would allow anyone with majority can plant a maximum of 15 plants outdoors or indoors 4m2 without having to ask permission from the Board of Cannabis in Navarre for his own self. Any amount greater than it would be considered for the market and should benefit from the specification and control of the Board of Cannabis in Navarra.
5 - We propose the regularization of production and market of cannabis seeds in Navarra.
Through specification and phytosanitary control for the production of cannabis seeds with designation of origin through the Navarra CRCN to market supply and consumption.
6 - We propose the creation of a new historic special tax of 5% charged in cannabis playful (GREEN TAX)
For the financing of these new bodies. We'll then get a double objective: the project would not cost anything to the public coffers, and create a new way for additional public funding.
7 - We propose the study and implementation of Medicinal Cannabis in a study funded by the CRCN and is developed in the CIMA.
8 - We propose the promotion and free education of the risks and prevention of them in drug consumption.
Designing and implementing a comprehensive plan for the prevention of risks involving the social partners and market to be truly effective. Promoting policies that increase the age of initiation to drug use until the age of majority and the recovery through sport. Policies must be for all ages, not just for young people.
9 - We propose to cease attacks and the criminalization of youth and implementation of innovative policies and participatory with the youth of Navarra.
10 - We propose the creation of the world's first theme park in the West Bank Navarra on Cannabis, hemp and alternative energy subsidized by the CRCN.
It would devote several hectares of land to teach everything that makes this plant to mankind and studies on potential new applications in alternative energies such as biodiesel.
11 - We propose the termination of all kinds of adult consumers are penalized for any type of substance, although they are harmful to your health.
Versión traducida de
Green project in Navarra (Spain)
The reality is that the current legal Cannabis is punishable under the Spanish penal code as a drug that does not cause serious damage to health and their possession, sale and public consumption are forbidden and are a crime against public health.
This reality, we see every year with the jailing of thousands of people each year for its traffic, hundreds of thousands of complaints @ s for possession or consumption of cannabis by fines from 300 Euros amounts to millions. The closure of premises where it is consumed. Moreover, police raids in search of that substance are the order of the day: in roads, buildings and lately, in the vicinity of schools.
Another obvious fact is that Cannabis, in particular the active substance of cannabis THC, is prepared in the market as a drug with very few contraindications, both naturally and synthetically. The medical application of cannabis has been studied in Catalonia by the department of pharmacology Hospital Vall d'Hebron, and are doing the first tests for 10 people with multiple sclerosis and cancer.
The reality of walking street is that taxpayers' money has been wasted in what has been termed the war against drugs. The cost so far has been the imprisonment of people linked to traffic (80% of the total prison population of Spain is in jail for crimes against public health). The thousands of fines imposed for possession or autocultivo. Wasteful advertising campaigns (made with the joint effort of experts and institutions with the support of big media stars with taxpayers' money).
The result of these policies implemented so far has been a resounding failure that it is clear from all indicators of recent surveys on drugs. The result: an increase in consumption and growing at younger ages. The polls reflect crystal clear that the drugs most consumed by the population of all developed countries of the world is Cannabis, with a world of difference on hard drugs. Curiously, one of the few countries where consumption falls within Europe, both soft and hard drugs, Holland is where is the standard sale and possession of cannabis for 30 years in coffeshops (5 grams per person per day).
The policies implemented over the years have not solved any problem. Thirty years of experience in the Netherlands have led the decline in consumption, the decline in crime, increased police efficiency, the generation of industry, jobs, taxes and attractive to hundreds of tourists who come to Holland. Should we continue to gamble on a path that has not only proved ineffective, but it has increased consumption and crime?
In this whole ordeal current situation there to add, perhaps the worst of its consequences. Many people think that this issue does not affect them because they are not consumers of Cannabis. They do not realize that under the present system is the only thing that does is to fund the mafia and organized crime, which could even destabilize the state and endanger democracy.
We can make this statement in the wake of the indictment of Judge Juan del Olmo on the 11-M, where he makes it clear that an important part of the financing of terrorist acts in Madrid, the fateful 11-M, was made with the Sales of Hashish. (Not surprisingly, the judge charged two of the 29 people involved in two separate crimes against health for sale and possession of soft drugs. Specifically about 60 kilos of hashish with a market value exceeding one million euros). Do we want consumers of Cannabis that with the money we spend will make these kinds of atrocities? Is not it better to do with that money will be roads, hospitals or detoxification?
Despite all this gloomy picture are millions of people throughout the world and tens of thousands of Navarre or those that have consumed cannabis illegally and suffer from this unjust situation of repression. What can be said of the patients who are prevented by law to have access to a plant that relieves them? How far are we going to endure cannabis users?
On the other hand there is a vacuum that nothing said in private consumption and self-sufficiency. If it made him join the community of living in an autonomous regulatory foral independent, we are in a privileged position compared to other countries and regions of Europe to be able to design a plan for legalization and standardization of Cannabis.
The arrogance of the Representation Cannabible of Navarre is making a new policy around that legalizing cannabis and standardize all aspects of this plant. In this way, from the RCN bet for the legalization and regulation of the consumption of marijuana and hashish produced entirely in Navarra. We believe that this policy will lead to reduced consumption, increase consumption at the age of 18 years and generate many more social benefits such as: Generation of jobs in the neediest social strata, revitalizing the agricultural sector, raising taxes and high in the Social Security. In addition to that, with legalization, cut off an important source of revenue coffers of groups engaged in organized crime and terrorism. All of this money would swell the economy of our community into schools, hospitals, roads etc ....
We are a representation, which means that when the project is done we represent pluripolÃtico proceed to the dissolution of representation as a political entity, once decided by the general assembly. To this end we want to represent an electoral program for the elections of the Community of Navarra in which he develops an effective regularization of the legalization of cannabis and its derivatives:
1 - We propose reforming the Improvement of Navarre during the next legislature for the Community of Navarra have full powers in health, economic, agricultural and social reality for Cannabis Legalization of fun for adults with coming of age , And the Legalization of Medicinal Cannabis produced entirely in Navarra.
2 - We propose the creation of a regulator and controller of Cannabis in Navarra. CRCN
This would stabilize an effective and quality control of cannabis playful, industrial hemp and cannabis resin (hashish) with a designation of origin in Navarra. This body will have punitive power to establishments and set the specifications and permits for opening. It also would control the sanitary product reaching the market taking a minimal risk of adulteration. In addition, ensure compliance and access by minors to establishments where it is permitted the sale or consumption of cannabis.
3 - We propose the regularization of the market navarro Cannabis and its outlets.
Through the establishment of specifications and requirements to enable point of sale and consumption of cannabis and cannabis resin produced in Navarra. We are talking about establishing in Navarra coffeshops the famous Dutch who are already carrying more than thirty years running. It is allowed to sell 5 grams per person per day within the sites with permission. Our goal is to improve and adapt, Navarra in this system by introducing two major improvements with respect to the Dutch system.
On the one hand we include the phytosanitary control by the CRCN of what is produced and the ability of this body to punish those who sell something in poor condition. (In the Netherlands there is no similar body).
On the other hand, however, in the green project, cannabis and its derivatives are produced entirely by our own farmers in Navarra.
This, in addition to cutting off the avenues of financing the mafias who currently control the drugs, carries generate significant benefits in economic terms: Creation of new jobs. Raising taxes to the coffers foral. Revitalizing the agricultural processing industry of Navarra (One sector of vital importance to any economy which is now in decline). The impetus to the tourism sector of Navarra. (In the Netherlands is subject to the small sale, but the crops are illegal and is punishable cultivar in large quantities)
4 - We propose the legalization and promotion of self-autocultivo and cannabis within the community Foral.
The adjustment would allow anyone with majority can plant a maximum of 15 plants outdoors or indoors 4m2 without having to ask permission from the Board of Cannabis in Navarre for his own self. Any amount greater than it would be considered for the market and should benefit from the specification and control of the Board of Cannabis in Navarra.
5 - We propose the regularization of production and market of cannabis seeds in Navarra.
Through specification and phytosanitary control for the production of cannabis seeds with designation of origin through the Navarra CRCN to market supply and consumption.
6 - We propose the creation of a new historic special tax of 5% charged in cannabis playful (GREEN TAX)
For the financing of these new bodies. We'll then get a double objective: the project would not cost anything to the public coffers, and create a new way for additional public funding.
7 - We propose the study and implementation of Medicinal Cannabis in a study funded by the CRCN and is developed in the CIMA.
8 - We propose the promotion and free education of the risks and prevention of them in drug consumption.
Designing and implementing a comprehensive plan for the prevention of risks involving the social partners and market to be truly effective. Promoting policies that increase the age of initiation to drug use until the age of majority and the recovery through sport. Policies must be for all ages, not just for young people.
9 - We propose to cease attacks and the criminalization of youth and implementation of innovative policies and participatory with the youth of Navarra.
10 - We propose the creation of the world's first theme park in the West Bank Navarra on Cannabis, hemp and alternative energy subsidized by the CRCN.
It would devote several hectares of land to teach everything that makes this plant to mankind and studies on potential new applications in alternative energies such as biodiesel.
11 - We propose the termination of all kinds of adult consumers are penalized for any type of substance, although they are harmful to your health.