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420 Member
is this ready to harvest? If not how close?



is this ready to harvest? If not how close?
Morning Sammy. I noticed that you are from Michigan but no idea of which part of the state. Here in the southeast corner of the state every plant I have had outside starts flowering between August 5th and 15th. In the northern part of the state the start could be a couple of days earlier.

With that in mind I figure that our plants are hitting 7 complete weeks of flowering this weekend. If you want a minimum of 8 weeks flowering then your harvest date is going to be a week from this weekend. If your location is in the southern part of the state you can get a bit more bud and trichome development if you wait at least another week. In the northern half of the state the night temperatures are getting low enough that the plants are shutting down until the next morning when it starts to warm up.

The target date for one of my outdoor plants is between Oct 8-15 and the other a week later, maybe a tad more. The adventures of this year's two plants are in the link below....
2024 Outdoor Plants "On Schedule"
Just looking for input. I'm in central Mich and these boys are falling over! I've used FF trio and RockResin the last 2 weeks. Very suseptible to powdery mildew here fought it off with H2o and 3% peroxide. They are good now had to pull 1 plant a week ago cuz of mildew and it was fire. Platinum Cake strain. Any input is appreciated!
Just looking for input. I'm in central Mich and these boys are falling over! I've used FF trio and RockResin the last 2 weeks. Very suseptible to powdery mildew here fought it off with H2o and 3% peroxide. They are good now had to pull 1 plant a week ago cuz of mildew and it was fire. Platinum Cake strain. Any input is appreciated!
Picture would be great.
I get the occasional case of Powdery Mildew so your msg is interesting.

Very suseptible to powdery mildew here fought it off with H2o and 3% peroxide.
You were spraying outdoor plants with this mixture?

They are good now had to pull 1 plant a week ago cuz of mildew and it was fire.
Why pull the one plant? Was it because the spray did not work as well as on the others? Or, pulled because you wanted a sample?

I have been following some of the discussion on the use of a natural oil mix instead of a water & hydrogen peroxide or a water & citric acid spray. Might give the oil mix a try over the winter. If it works I will try it outdoors next summer.
I posted some
Yes, I can see them in your gallery. Looks like 13 of them and the latest ones were posted on Sept 26th.

Now that they are there you can quickly block, copy and paste the code into any msg using the little photo icon that is at the top of the msg when you are typing it up.
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