Reasons To Legalize Marijuana ...


Well-Known Member
Reasons To Legalize Marijuana ...

1) Marijuana use is less harmful and risky than the use of alcohol, tobacco, and many nonprescription drugs. It is the safest (currently) illegal drug. Marijuana is much less addictive than tobacco or alcohol. This is one reason why most people that smoked it in the 70's were able to quit easily and not become addicts.

2) Legalization of marijuana would cut down on crime. Because marijuana is illegal, it is difficult to manufacture, and is expensive, so addicts often have to turn to crime to sustain their habit. Legalization would drive the price down and alleviate this problem. Currently, much of the crime that goes on is a result of territory disputes between dealers. Legalization of marijuana would hurt organized crime as a whole. If marijuana was legal, the entire infrastructure of organized crime involved in its manufacturing and distribution would lose any reason for existence because marijuana would be legally produced and sold at a much cheaper price by legitimate companies. Police officers and suspected informants often face retribution by gangs and drug dealers. Legalization of marijuana would simply eliminate the need for dealers and put a stop to all this. Legalization would cut down on corruption in the law enforcement, the government. Officials will no longer be tempted into accepting bribes, and pocketing large amounts of drug money.

3) Legalization would free up resources to fight legitimate crimes. It would end prison overcrowding, as many prisoners are sitting in jails for drug-related convictions. It would free up the court system and the police and allow them to concentrate on other crimes. Fighting marijuana-related "crimes" is costing us tax money.

4) Legalizing marijuana would make it safer for users. One of the main reasons why marijuana is unsafe right now is because it isn't regulated, and its quality isn't monitored by anyone. When people buy marijuana, they don't know for sure what they're getting or where it's been.

5) The government has no right to interfere with people's personal freedom as it is currently doing. Smoking marijuana only has the potential to hurt the health of the user. An individual should have the right to choose to use it. People are allowed to skydive, and drive cars. There are risks in those and many other activities, but the government isn't regulating them. Sure, smoking marijuana does put others at minimal risk through second hand smoke and the user's actions towards others, but this is also valid for alcohol and tobacco. This is why driving while stoned should remain illegal.
Well, if they legalized marijuana it would cut down crime just because.. the possession, growth, and use of marijuana would no longer be a crime, and as over 50% of america smokes pot, you just cut down 50% on that.
I didnt write these arcticles .... The page i got them off of is at the bottom of the arcticle.
Right on. i wrote a paper about why marijuana should be legalized back in the days of highschool. i could have used this.
If you take out cannabis it will be more difficult for drug dealers to introduce people to harder drugs because they will just grow their pot in their yard and not go see some shady fella.
fallen said:
Well, if they legalized marijuana it would cut down crime just because.. the possession, growth, and use of marijuana would no longer be a crime, and as over 50% of america smokes pot, you just cut down 50% on that.
I think you have your statistics a bit inflated there...
Last I checked it was 30% had TRIED IT BEFORE, and somewhere around 15% still smoked regularly.
Brett2theMax said:
If you take out cannabis it will be more difficult for drug dealers to introduce people to harder drugs because they will just grow their pot in their yard and not go see some shady fella.

Never thought of this^ Defiently a good reason ....
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