Relaxed's Outdoor Medical Grow - 2017

Hello 420 Magazine and Happy New Year!

Welcome to my 2017 grow journal! :ciao: Our plants are getting ready for another trip around the Sun. :circle-of-love:

Some are almost ready to harvest from the winter grow. We have the vegetative mother clones on 18/6 in the DP90 tent under 115 W of CFL (2700/5500 K mix), in contrast, we have the current winter grow with the Swiss Cheese furthest in the lead and closest to harvest. Not long behind is the Underdawg and Jack Dawg. The Sour Diesel Dawgs are just beginning to form centralized flower heads and are just getting going. :cheertwo:

So far, it's one of the best winter grows I've had, I've taken a different approach than I normally do, I normally leave them in the white outdoor grow tent (row cover based) to keep warm, but when I do that, they usually get hit hard by the storms and cold weather. Lately, I've been taking them inside the garage at night to keep them a little bit warmer and drier, though it still drops down into the high 40s at night. Nonetheless, they are progressing pretty well because they get more direct Sun during the day, something that was inhibited by the regular outdoor tent. Buds always come out a lot skimpier and odd during the winter, but this time they seem to be coming in a bit more normal. We had some El Nina activity (hotter and drier during the winter times), with hot Santa Ana winds giving then a mid-time surge in energy. They did seem to enjoy the extra energy. :MoreNutes:

A brief recap on the strains going, these have been clones of clones of clones, and so on..

1) Jack Dawg (Jack Herer x NYCD x Chemdawg '91) = JD

2) Underdawg (Special Unknown #1 x NYCD x Chemdawg '91) = UD

3) Swiss Cheese (Swiss Miss x Skunk #1 pheno) = SC

4) Sour Diesel Dawg (Sour Diesel x NYCD x Chemdawg '91) = SDD

Soil being used: Dr. Earth's Pot-O-Gold

Cloning method: Sphagnum peat moss, Clonex rooting gel and mycorrhizae powder added to the medium, under plastic dome with constant spraying

Nutrient fertilization: Dr. Earth LIFE and Flower Girl, and Doggett & Simpson Growology

Plant protection: Azamax (general purpose) and Sierra Natural Science sprays

Bud washing method: SNS-311 diluted into several gallons of cool water, with a rinsing bucket

Drying method: 4 tier drying rack









SC flower top, smelling really good as normal, very fruity/skunky/piney


SDDs just starting to put out pistils finally, must have transformed into a sativa dom. expression


Group getting in the last bit of reflected Sun coming in for the day


Into the DP90, the generational mother clones, still waiting for the little UD twig to survive, she's been stagnating heavily, hoping she makes it. The other plants are growing great. But, if the struggling UD twig dies, then I'll have lost this phenotype. Learned my lesson not to take such small clones, especially for the UD.






Veg group

I'll grow the veggies as much as I can to fill up the tent, then take clones again and release another winter crop, or an early spring crop. The clones of those future clones will be the Spring grow, and the clones of those, the Summer, and so on..

Aloha :Namaste:
Subbed for another year

Aloha Les, :Namaste: looking forward to the show.

Right on! Subbed and also growing outdoor as well. Winter bud is tough but nice colors!

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Drive by,,, Keepem Green

Happy New Year RL! :Namaste:

Good to have you guys aboard!:surf:

Now I'd like to do a time comparison of the "Little SDD twig that could"

24 days ago, (the clone had then just rooted)


Quite amazing resiliency these plants have :adore:
Looking sweet man, tagging along in the corner :passitleft: blessings to you for the new year

Thank you very much for the good vibes and welcome aboard Pat :thanks:

First harvest of the year 2017 ;) - Swiss Cheese, it smells extra sweet this time around


Not too shabby for a winter grow ;)
Some of those colours coming out are amazing .

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Beautiful violet/purple coloring! I find fish fertilizer good to bring out colors...are you using anything special in bloom? :Namaste:

Indeed, really intense deep purple, definitely eye catching so it's hard for me to resist photographing ;), I haven't fed much of anything because the soil doesn't want to dry out and I'm not about to over water. I did feed a dose of bloom nutes much earlier on in flower to fix a micronute deficiency. Just been letting them do their thing :cheertwo:
UD is really going now, it's the only plant aside the SC that is producing actual budlets


Though the JD looks pretty, there is pretty much no actual bud formations, it's mostly little tiny calyx clusters with sugar leaf. Difference between Spring and Winter is night and day, so to speak ;)

Here is my precious UD twig (one of the recent clones, taken at the same time as others), it was a bit too small. I'm nursing it and hoping it will come back to life, if its hung on this long there may be a shot. Really pulling for her cause if she goes than the UD is gone unless I reveg the mother. I think she may survive, I hope...

Rest of the veggies

This is the ravenous Swiss Cheese

And Jack Dawg 1 and 2
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