Reserva Privada Tangie Feminized Photoperiod Grow, Batch 19-TG


Well-Known Member
This was a batch that I started a few months ago. Like my other seeds, I purchased them from I used to buy my seeds from Herbies Head Shop, but switched when they had to stop accepting credit cards. DiscreetSeeds takes Bitcoin, so I use them. I actually think they are the same company. I ordered four Reserva Privada Tangie Feminized Photoperiod seeds. I picked this strain mostly because of the breeder. I had just finished Reserva Privada's Skywalker OG, and was extremely pleased with the results. I figured I would try another strain by them to see if they are consistently good.

I germinated these seeds using the same process I always do. I put the seeds between a half of a paper towel and then pour enough bottled water over the paper towel to moisten it. Then I fold over the paper towel and stick it in a Ziploc sandwich bag. The sandwich bag then goes in a Lens Box and is placed in a room where its going to stay at or just above 70F. I originally started using the lens box, because I didn't have a dark space that was the right temperature consistently. I did have a place that was light all the time, so I met the darkness requirement by putting the seeds in the box. It worked well, so I guess I've just kept doing it that way for the last 6 years or so.

While all three plants sprouted out a tap root, one of them failed to pop above the soil. That being the case, there are three seeds in this batch.

During the Vegetative stage, I used the Fox Farms line of nutrients. I had used the line before, but found that it was too complicated. You don't consistently use the same nutrients, so it can get confusing. I'd rather have the simplicity of a feed system where I always use the same components. As with the other two grows I have going on, when it came time to flip the Tangies into flower, I also switched the nutrient system.

I'm growing in a generic brand 4x8x8 tent. I have two ViparSpectra 1200 LED lights, a Vivosun 6" 440cfm exhaust fan, and four Vivosun 6" pole fans all hanging up top, and then two Penguin 24" oscilating air around the bottom of the tent. I'm also using a 6" 140cfm intake fan to suck in the cooled air in the room the tents are in. The exhaust fan routes directly outside. This batch will be joined by another batch in the coming weeks, currently the I am only using one side of the tent.

In order to control temperature, humidity and turn lights on and off, I'll be using Ubiquiti MFI power outlets, temperature sensors and humidity sensors. They don't make these any more, I have spares on hand. For someone who doesn't know allot about computers, they aren't the easiest to use at all. However, I like the data that the system collects over the entire grow, so I don't mind keeping it running.

I use tap water. I use a 20 gallon reservoir with air stones and a circulation pump aerating and moving the water. I fill it up at least 2 days before I need it.

In this batch, I wanted to experiment a bit with training. I randomly decided one night that I was going to LST one of the plants, and then top the other two. So far, the results are telling me I probably should have done LST on all three. The two that were topped have nice growth sites, but they are uneven and not well filled in. The plant that I bent over and tied to the side of the pot has as many growth shoots, but they are filled in my more. I'll get some pictures together to help illustrate that when the lights come on. As these are photo period plants, and are 16 days into flower, they are following a 12 on, 12 off light cadence.

Once again, thank you a ton for taking the time to view my journal!

IMG_3200 (2).JPG
Beautiful plants! looks like you've got a good handle on this "growing" thing!
You might want to try quadlining those GG's in your other journal-it's a form of lst,but it keeps the plant centered in the pot,which can be helpful in tight spaces (or even in big spaces,actually)
There's a link to a great quadline how-to in my signature (#Quadsquad)
Thanks! I'll give it a read for sure.
This journal is starting well into the life of these three Tangie photoperiods. They are currently on day 17 of flower. To keep things easy, I am going to proceed with the assumption that Sunday is the beginning of the week for the plants. This will make it consistent with the other batches that are going on in parallel. Over the years, I've picked up a few habits that I like to stick with. I usually have Sunday's wide open, so any plant related tasks are much easier to get done before the work week starts.

The one plant that I did LST on looks like it needs to have some of its leaves removed. As I am still in the first month of flower, I think it should be ok to do so without running the risk of stressing the plant or slowing it down. I'll do that today later tonight once the family is occupied.

It appears that the plants are beginning to develop an issue. I'm not exactly sure what it is yet. The lower growth on all three plants have odd spotting on them. After checking the nutrient deficiency charts, I actually think I've been over feeding the plants CalMag. I also went back and looked at the feed history. For some reason, I fed them 7.5ml per gallon of calmag instead of the recommended 5ml per gallon. Other than that, the runoff is fine, and the PH has been a steady 6.5ph. They are due for a straight watering this evening, so perhaps I'll water them a bit more than usual to flush out some of the CalMag.

So folks, what do you think my problem is? Please take a look at the picture below, and post back what you think it might be. Much appreciation in advance!

SF-TG-032419-3 Suspected CalMag lockout?
I started to stress about the discoloration of the leaves, which I mentioned last post. You see, I had a snafu in my planning. Before I explain the snafu, I figured I'd explain this, so you know there is a relatively good reason I'm stressed.

I am a true medical user. Long story short, I kind of had a heart attack a few years back and was dead for a few minutes, three times. For months afterwards, it would freak me out to be alone (my wife was present during the attack, and did CPR, saving me). Being at home alone made me anxious, I didn't want to drive anywhere by myself. Unless my wife was there, I was a mess. That wasn't fun for me, and certainly not fun for my family. It was crippling. True story. My cardiologist felt that I needed to take something or "you are going to pop mentally, or get so stressed you will have a re-occurrence". However, I can't take many drugs because of my heart condition, and had really bad side effects from the ones that I could take. My bosses (my wife, mother and cardiologist) met and suggested I try medical cannabis. It works great. After a month, I was back to work full time, I felt OK to drive (not after smoking, the next day). It took away most of the stress and anxiety, allowing me tune out the noise and balance things.

Anyway, I screwed up my scheduling, resulting in my medicine stock getting low as I work my way through this photo batch and another auto batch. Stunting the plants at this point would be costly. While I have a medical card (which avoids the 20% tax on recreational), I just can't afford what it would cost to go to the dispensaries for my prescribed dosage, and am too paranoid to go to the streets, because I'm worried about getting a bag with some extra in it.

Back to the story!

I posted the picture of the issue, the picture I took yesterday, over on the "Frequently Asked Questions" section of the 420Magzine forums. @Emilya @Backlipslide @Chris Scorpio quickly responded and helped me out. After being asked how I have been feeding these three plants, I wound up looking at my feeding history, way back when the plants were in veg. I realized something important, and very embarrassing.

When the plants were in veg, they were sharing a space with a couple other batches. Together, I was growing 3 batches at the same time: two soil batches and one coco batch. After looking at my notes, I realized I had mixed things up, and started feeding this soil batch with the same PH'ed water/feed that the coco batch was getting. Yes, very embarrassing.
Of course, the other soil grow is looking great. It received PH at 6.5, sometimes a bit less.

In addition to the discoloration on the lower leaves, some of the top leaves on just one of the plants seems to have tips that are slightly burned. Here is a picture of that one plant:


The other 2 plants, which have been fed exactly the same seem to look fine. Here is a picture that is an example of what all of the other bud sites look like:


In sum, @Emilya suggested that I drop my PH down to 6.3 or so and just keep going that way. My first inclination was to flush them. It makes sense to stay the course. The explanation is that because soil PH drifts upwards, putting feed/water in at 6.5ph misses a few nutrients that are available right at that PH. I might have that wrong. @Emilya please let me know if I misunderstood. As always, I'm just stating my understanding of the suggestion.

The plants were ready for a feed anyway. I went with 4 gallons of water PH'ed to 6.36.


The ladies guzzled it all down like my wife guzzles down the drinks at an open bar, with the expected bit of run off (my wife and the plants). The water TDS was at 158ppm, which is what my tap water sits at normally. One day, I'll be able to afford RO, for now tap water will do.

Random thought. I always look at people strangely when they say YOLO. Not true. I've proven you can live and die, get brought back to life, die again, get brought back to life yet again, only to die again, and finally brought back to life again and being grounded back in this world! Hey, don't knock it until you try it. Party with and AED, what a blast! It was interesting.

Enjoy life while you can, and be Groovy. :Namaste:

(Typed this late last night and fell asleep before I clicked "Post", Doh!)
Time to feed these lovelies. They are 22.11 days into flower, and looking good so far. It has been 4 day since they last had water, which is pretty typical for my plants with this setup.

I've been through about 5 grows now with my Viparspectra 1200 LEDs. I was originally very skeptical about moving away from my 1000 watt HPS lamp and ballast. I was on a really good run with that setup, but the electrical costs were annoying, and the heat was the worst. I spent allot of time researching, about 6 months, before I made my decision on which LED to go with. I went with the Viparspectra. I ran a full batch in a 4x4 tent and was extremely pleased with the result. So much so, I went ahead and purchased another one (same model). I put both in a 4x8 tent, and the rest is history. Love this LED. Great price, solid results!

Anyway, I'm going to go ahead and feed these girls. As a reminder, the folks that make the nutrient system I am using suggest that I follow a "Water-Water-Feed" cadence. I ran it this way in my last batch expecting that I wasn't going to be feeding it enough. Instead, I was constantly running into nute burn issues, i.e. I was feeding too much. As the gurus of this site have suggested time and time again, I decided to run this Tangie batch feeding at half strength.

The nute folks recommend (all per gallon), 15ml of micro, 15ml of bloom, 2.5ml of bloom booster, 2.5ml of b-1, 2.5ml of calmag and 12.5ml of sugar.

I'm going to go with a 50% solution and drop a couple things, just to try it out. So, I'm going with 7.5ml of micro, 7.5 ml of bloom, drop the bloom booster, drop the b-1, 2.5ml of calmag, and 12.5ml of sugar. I'm going with the full strength on the sugar, only because I've had good luck in the past, and want to stick with it. I don't mind lowering the others, and dropping some all together. However, I like my sugar, daddy.

I'll go do the feed and mix and all. You all take a look at a few pics. This is what the Tangies look like tonight.






Its Sunday Night! My ritual every Sunday is to go through the tents and make sure everybody looks good. Yes, I do that every day. But on Sunday Nights, I take a closer look, and go leaf by leaf. I look around the tents to make sure everything is working properly, and all the electrical connections are safely secured as expected. Essentially, I make sure the plants are healthy, and the gear that runs the environment the plants live in, is also healthy. Note, this includes any extension cords or connections. I like to make sure they aren't melting, or anything crazy like that. Hey, don't tell me I'm paranoid! It can happen!!! :nervous-guy::nervous-guy::nervous-guy:

Anyway, a quick pic of the these Tangies, 24.11 days into this soil grow.

Fed these girls last night. I never did say. It was a busy night with feeding, but very busy outside of the grow room as well.

I wound up giving them:


I know I said I was going to feed them down at 6.3ph. But when I mixed the nutes in, at much less of a dose than bottle recommended, the PH pen hit 6.49ph native, no ph adjustment. I'd rather not add PH down, so I am going to stick with that PH and see what happens.

Also note, the bottle recommended PPM is 1430. I'm put it in at 1020ppm.
No fireworks with this grow. Since they went into flower, things have been kind of, sort of, well, Groovy. Sure, that might seem boring. However, one of the things I have learned from this community is that having lots of action with a grow is really fun, but having a grow that just does it's thing, with no drama, is an absolute boon !

These Tangies are certainly growing, slowly but surely. However, there hasn't been any drama with this strain. There was a bit of a curiosity/paranoia when I flipped them to flower. I had been feeding them the wrong PH, down around 6.0 in soil. When I figured that mistake out, I wasn't feeling groovy, and I worried. On a side note, I'm glad nobody who was worried, happened to called me. I wouldn't have been able to make them happy, because I was worried too, a lot. It doesn't happen often, but it happens.


Anyway, I figured out the PH issue early in flower, talked with the experts here on, and things have been totally Groovy since. So, if you are worried, NOW you can call me, I'll make you happy.

Again, nothing special with these pics, other than I like to see the progress.

On the B&W image... I know you can't see colors to be able to see any issues. However, I just LOVE black and white pictures. I couldn't resist, I had to throw one in. It could be worse, I could be posting the blurples!!!

Hope everyone is feeling their own kind of Groovy energy this evening. Would be such a waste of a Groovy Friday Night otherwise. Wouldn't it?

Take care all!




Wow, what a story. I'm glad you're still with us! I'm also glad you found our favorite plant and her near magical potential for healing what ails us.
Your plants look fantastic. I appreciate your style, much more cautious than me and it shows in the quality of bloom. They're practically glowing!
I have one Michelangelo, Tangie x Blue Tahoe Cookies and she also prefers a mild feed. She's in week 4 and smells like orange bubblegum!
Anyways, glad to have you along.
Oh and one more thing. You're the only person I've come across who's gone and returned. You must tell me about your experience. Do you remember anything??

Not a damn thing. I don't remember going to work that day, I don't remember cooking dinner for the wife and kids, I don't remember dropping (and crashing through a glass table), or anything up until 10 days into the critical care unit stay, I woke up with tubes coming from everywhere. All I could think at that moment was "What the fuck did I do to myself now." I thought I had gotten into a motorcycle accident and didn't remember. At 41, heart attack didn't come across my mind. It was interesting to say the least.
Just a quick update. Not much going on with the plants at this point, other than its feeding time. The last few times I water, I fed enough to produce runoff. I grabbed a bit to see what the PPM was. With water going in at 162ppm, the runoff was 890ppm. I'm going to bump up the feed this evening a bit.

Here are some pre-feed pictures.







Every one have a groovy evening!
Here we are, 45.68 days into flower and things are still going well with these girls. I realize this is the same message as before, but I really am pleased with the simplicity of this strain. I really haven't had to do much more than feed/water them. No issues to speak of. Just easy. :meditate:

They smell great at this point. I'm excited to have taste. :yummy: Based on the breeder's information, Tangie should harvest between 63 and 70 days from flipping them to flower. That puts harvest somewhere between August 7th and 14th. Taking a look at the buds, they have just about started the pistol color change. If you look closely at the pics below, you'll see just a bit of amber starting to creep into the current white the pistols show right now. I'd expect the real action to start mid to late next week. That’s when I'll start a water only schedule. Of course, you just never know until its time. But it doesn't hurt to have a rough date in mind. :cool:

At this point in the grow, I can safely say I am still a big fan of the @VIPARSPECTRA LED lights. Other than the "blurple" light it puts out, which is only slightly annoying when trying to take pictures, I can't find anything legit to complain about. They have been solid performers over the past 2 years that I have been using them. Hats off to @VIPARSPECTRA for a great result time and time again! :adore:

As for medium, this grow has 50% Roots Organics and 50% Coco. I ran this for the previous few batches and it worked good enough. However, I'm getting a bit bored with it. I have another batch going with Happy Frog, and they seem to be doing better than the Tangie's were at the same age. I decided to go back to all soil. I've run with Happy Frog here and there through the years. It’s a solid performer with relatively consistent results. However, I wanted to try something different. I'm thinking a Doc Bud's High Brix grow might be next. In fact, its guaranteed, I already bought the goodies, and have my soil cooking! :snowboating:

At any rate, not much else to say at this point. I'm hoping the plants make that one last push to grow and put a bit more bulk on. I've noticed this over the last several batches I've grown. 3 or so weeks before harvest, they seem to go through one last growth push. It might just be my stoner imagination. But hey, it could happen!
Here are some random pics of buds from the Tangies. Also tossed in a few more pics of the light. Again, I love these LEDs!

Be Groovy Everyone! :Namaste:








Thanks Man! Appreciate it. :passitleft:
Technaflora Recipe for Success. I have been doing 50% of what they recommend. I'm not a fan of the "Feed-Water-Water" cadence. Otherwise, it has been steady going.
Well, I hate to keep saying it, but nothing major to report, lol. At 55.68 days in to flower, these Tangies have been consistent all the way through, and just keep doing their thing. Comparing the Tangies to my other two grows going on in parallel, they are just easy. I almost want to over nute them just to piss them off and get a reaction. I'm totally kidding, but seriously, these really are the most stable strain that I have grown to date, out of a few hundred plants grown over the last 6 years or so. They just seem to be very friendly and consistent, regardless of the environment or feeding schedule. As you can see in the pics below, I did over feed at some point very early on. You can see the tips of the leaves are slightly burnt. That was from the first week of flower, and hasn't progressed at all since.

To further illustrate how consistent these girls are, lets look at their "trajectory sheet". This is a spreadsheet that I keep of all my plants. Its not meant to be an exact "this is the specific time a milestone will be reached" more than its about "this is roughly when to start checking for this milestone". I like to have an idea of when things are supposed to happen, give our take a few weeks. I find it super helpful with maximizing the energy use and space I have. Anyway, when I germinated these seeds, the trajectory showed them being in pre-harvest August 1 (tomorrow). My definition of Pre-Harvest is "when the pistols start to crinkle, and start their color change". Right on schedule, the Tangies started changing color late last week (see last post) and are starting to progress quickly. This is good for two reasons. 1- I'm just about out of a sativa dominant strain in my medicine cabinet. I'm down to indica dominants only. 2- Its spot on for a tent rotation, which Is key in order to keep my next few grows on track.

Quick screen shot of the spreadsheet. Note, the seed breeder guidance on the flower time is nearly spot on:


Italics/Light Grey font means"actuals", bolded means "projected".

As you can see, these plants are progressing right on schedule, which is rare. I always say "You have to plan your schedule around mother nature. You can't plan mother nature around your schedule." This grow is the exception.

Anyway, enough about that. I'm totally excited, and partially in need. You see, my self prescribed medication schedule calls for a super dominant Sativa in the morning, a fairly balanced Hybrid in the afternoon, and then an Indica dominant just after dinner. I'm out of Sativa, so being the breakfast of my weed consumption, Its pretty damn important to get this grow complete.

If you look close enough at the below pics, and compare/contrast to the last post's pictures, you'll see the amber pistols starting to set in. If you do happen to compare the pics, you'll also see the "crinkle", as I like to call it, of the pistols. White pistols that start to bend, and what not, signaling me that the "Harvest Window" has opened, which prompts me to start thinking about final feeds and the start of planning, for trimming, drying and curing. It also prompts me to start thinking about which plants will take up the space that these harvested plants will free up.









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