Review: The Perfect Pipe

Fuzzy Duck

Well-Known Member
The Perfect Pipe has been with myself for just over a month & high time I wrote something about it.

For such a small pipe with the bowl only being 8mm width by 10mm length you pack it as tight as you like it doe's not effect the draw a great deal & you need to inhale like you are puffing on a cigar nice 'n' gentle :blunt:

Do not treat it as a one hitter due to size, on average you can get 2 to 3 puffs per bowl on the exhale you can achieve some pretty fine clouds with a vape / bong effect... its like, smooth tasty vape with combustion after taste of the bong or pipe which I'm sure the filter plays its part in the smoothness.

Takes a little while to master, I like to watch the embers glow in the bowl just a small glow on the inhale then exhale.


The first pipe I used I did not clean for a month & that is the one with the brush in on the 2nd pic... twice a day for a month as some guides lines suggested the gauze may block in so many hits ?

Not the case & gauze being used again.

I soaked the brush in some isopropyl stuffed the brush in with little bit of elbow grease nice 'n' easy cleaning, the bowl which gets caked in ash/grim if that doe's not clean so easy I'll suggest a good soak in boiling water to soften any harden residue up & that should do the trick !


They say one use only ideally, but you can get a few hits per filter this largely depends on how clean your pipe is the dirty the pipe is the quicker the filter degrade with grim this also effects taste a little.

Apart from that I quite like the perfect pipe & on a off note, I can only compare this pipe with the mighty cricket from Men in Black movie.
Big difference between that and the last glass pipe I got. That was a 7Pipe Twisty Glass Blunt, lol, the one with the titanium screw. They say it holds two grams, but I think they underestimated; thing would last me an hour before I emptied it. Of course, I wasn't hitting it constantly, but... Bud did NOT last long. I tried to count the hits a few times, but kept forgetting ;).

Thank you for posting your review. Do you know if there are glass "screens" available to fit it? And, failing that, do you think it necks down enough at the restriction to use it without any?
I believe it is only the gauze screen at present & best to use with it as you may just suck back the ash into the final chamber making for more cleaning.

It would be interest to see what the glass blowers at perfect pipe produce next :)

Cheer for replying bud.
Good post here, I just stumbled across it while reading your replies to my post on Flowering and PH! I have been exploring different smoking devise's for a while now, as I/Wife are just getting back into smoking. I bought a similar set up on Amazon a while back, instead of glass its made from Stainless Steal and other than that it works the same. I already have bad sinuses and cough a lot , so Im constantly looking for a smoother smoke! Thanks again grow friend!
Good post here, I just stumbled across it while reading your replies to my post on Flowering and PH! I have been exploring different smoking devise's for a while now, as I/Wife are just getting back into smoking. I bought a similar set up on Amazon a while back, instead of glass its made from Stainless Steal and other than that it works the same. I already have bad sinuses and cough a lot , so Im constantly looking for a smoother smoke! Thanks again grow friend!

It is an interesting pipe which packs a punch for a small bore caliber pipe once you tame the little beastie...

Other wise freddy is gonna get ya (as in krueger)

Don't let that put you off as she can purr like a kitten & this pipe can treat you rather well for medical needs.

As the filter helps removes unwanted substance's etc.

With some traditional styles of medication.
Nice little pipe. Similar to a steam roller or one hitter and the all glass is very nice to smoke from.

I've grown quite fond of my Pyptek for on the go. It's a glass pipe encased in aircraft aluminum which makes it virtually indestructible. Hits like a beast when clean but it only has a screen behind the stem no filter. The entire pipe disassembles for easy cleaning but not quite as easy as your Perfect Pipe. Pics if anyone wants to check it out.

Disregard the resin coating it's been a while since I cleaned or used it I prefer the bong or joint around the house.

I do believe pipes have their own unique way in how we endeavour to choose our preferred method of medication !
I do believe pipes have their own unique way in how we endeavour to choose our preferred method of medication !
You had me at medication. :laughtwo:
I bought one and liked it. Didn't stay lit like they said but I liked the ability to filter , and it amazes me how much it collects with just a couple hits.

Only issue is I dropped it on the table and it broke, not a far fall. So now I have a big bag of filters and screens. It's not tough enough for bud smokers IMO, lol.
Only issue is I dropped it on the table and it broke
The inevitable thing to happen with glass... can't tell you how many bowls I've had to buy for my glass bong, just glad I haven't dropped the whole bong yet. :laughtwo:
The inevitable thing to happen with glass... can't tell you how many bowls I've had to buy for my glass bong, just glad I haven't dropped the whole bong yet. :laughtwo:

Glass is glass & don't forget these pipes are made of borosilcate glass which is tougher...

If ya was smart you would of got a bong with a thicker gauge of glass as in millimetres :thumb:
While bongs may lack the ease and portability of a regular pipe, they make up for it with so many more cool features. Water filtration makes smoke cooler and smoother on the lungs, something that new smokers will certainly appreciate. Bongs are characterized by: Providing cooler smoke.

Cooler smoke... If you need heat to vaporize a thing in order to turn the psychoactive content into a usable form, and you then cool the vapors, what you're doing is condensing some portion of that thing onto the inside of your device. Which is probably why studies have shown that bongs trap more cannabinoids than carcinogens.

BtW, if you desire a smoother hit from a bong, use HOT water in it. There's a reason why poor mothers, in decades past, grabbed their baby, ran into their bathroom, turned the bathtub faucet on full hot, and threw a towel over their kid's heat to help direct the steam when the baby started having extreme difficulty in breathing. The act added moisture to the air. You'll still be losing a percentage of the cannabinoids (even water that's hot enough to make tea is still cooler than their vaporization points) - but at least you'll get a smoother hit.
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