Rockwool preparation


New Member
I bought 5 crop kind seeds i have a 4x4 tent set up with ebb and flow system. I started germinating my seeds straight in the rock wool. about a week later no sign of sprouting so i took the seeds out and decided to put them in a glass of pH water that is at 5.5 and they are sitting in there now. In the mean time i have my rock wool soaking in some water is it okay to leave the rock wool in the water until my seeds germinate or is a few days to long for them to soak i need to know or else i need to buy some more rock wool please help! Thank you!
thank you for your help but my concern is the rock wool has been in the water for a few days and the seeds won't germinate for about another day will the rock wool still be fine sitting in the water until the seeds germinate?
thank you for your help but my concern is the rock wool has been in the water for a few days and the seeds won't germinate for about another day will the rock wool still be fine sitting in the water until the seeds germinate?

What do you mean by "be fine"? It's just glass inert glass fibers so it should just sit there.

BTW, one of the most common problems people get into with glass wool is having it so wet that it drowns the plant by not letting enough air get to it. As the early poster said, but sure to shake it out before using it. Don't squeeze it because that damages it. Just give it a shake to get rid of extra water. You can probably see why GW is kinda passe. There seems to be a bit of an art to using it (one that I didn't master).
I would expect so. Most can. What do you mean? Is there something unusual about your tapwater?

nothing wrong with it just hear everyone using distilled or reverse osmosis. i thought id let my tap water sit for a few days to let the chlorine evaporate and then begin to add nutrients and pH balance my water, would this be sufficient for ebb and flow system?
People use RO/distilled because their tap water has too much stuff in it (e.g. > 100 PPM or so...).
Do you have a PPM meter? If not, they are handy and not expensive. You can check with your local water utility for info on your water. (Actually, your local hydroponics shop would be the better place to check.) Do you have a water softener system? Does soap suds OK where you are? Those are both good signs that you have soft water.

Personally, I never worry about the chlorine. I think people get way to worked up about that kind of stuff. And in a lot of cities, the kind of chlorine they add doesn't off-gas anyway.
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