Sativa - Eating vs Smoking


420 Member
Hello all, it has been my experience that I can't get a good sativa high from edibles. Has anyone been able to duplicate the high you get from smoking sativa, in an edible?
Did you decarb them? I decarb, grind, and stuff mine into capsules. It takes a lot longer (1-1/2 - 2hrs) for the full effect to kick in, but it seemed to be the same.

To fully decarb it's 110 @ 110. (1hr 50min @ 110°C / 230°F).
We grind, decarb on a cookie sheet in the oven, cook down with butter and water on the stove, strain, chill, separate from the water, and capsulize. We use 1oz weed, 1/2 cup butter and end up with 60 to 70 "00 caps. I take two caps to get high, but it always hits me like an indica high. Puts me on the couch and I don't feel chatty or philosophical or any of the good things I get from a good sativa high. I am wondering if it possible to get a good sativa high from edibles
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