Scop's First Grow-Under Stair CFL DIY Grow Box In Soil-Vanilla Kush,Super Lemon Haze

Hi, :welcome:

I've been creeping everybody's journals and figured it was time for sharing.
I've got a nice little space under my stairs that I was just itching to grow in.
I started with two seeds and quickly learned that cfl's produce enough heat to fry them...
You will see this in the photos if I can figure out how to post them.
On with it!!

What strain is it? Greenhouse Super Lemon Haze & Barney's Farm Vanilla Kush
Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Uhmm - SLH is more sativa and vanilla kush is mostly indica
Is it in Veg or Flower stage? from seed and in veg
If in Veg... For how long? pictures start about a month ago
Indoor or outdoor? indoor
Soil or Hydro? soil
If soil... what is in your mix? Miracle Gro Organic Choice and Perlite
If soil... What size pot? 17 litre pot
Size of light? bunch of 45 and 32 watt cfl's
Is it aircooled? 100 cfm 4" exhaust
Temp of Room/cab? 25c with door open at soil level
RH of Room/cab? 50% roughly
PH of media or res? assumed to be around 6~ ... i dont really know
Any Pests ? fungus gnats - pretty sure they came in the soil - like before...
How often are you watering? about every seven days when the top 3-4" gets dry...
Type and strength of ferts used? so far tried using GH GO box line...

I tried making a notepad journal and taking pictures but i ended up losing the date for each of the pictures..
The story continues like this...

90% Scotts Miracle Gro Organic Potting Soil, 10% Perlite
17 Litre Pots
2x45 watt until seeds pop the soil on 24/0 schedule
3x45 watt 6500k = 135 watt on 18/6 schedule for seedlings
3x45 watt 6500k + 4 x 32 watt 2700k = 263 watt veg

Temps - high 30~, low 21~
sept 1: Planted 1 Vanilla Kush, 1 Super Lemon Haze
- Watered both 100 ml brita filtered water
sept 2: - watered both 100 ml
sept 3(day1): - watered both 75 ml
- both seeds have popped the soil and are in seedling stage
sept 4(2): - watered both 75 ml
- watered both 100 ml
- seedlings roughly 2" tall - pic1&2
sept 5(3):
sept 6(4): - watered both 75 ml
sept 7(5):
sept 8(6):
sept 9(7): - watered both 125 ml
sept 10(8): - pictures taken

sept 11(9): - watered both 250 ml
sept 12(10): - seedlings are noticeably stunted - fungus gnats could be cause, overheating too many lights too close, not enough ventilation more likely
I am fairly certain the reason was leaving the door on my cabinet closed with all the lights on and not nearly enough ventilation... burning them and resulting in severely stunted growth - live and learn !!

sept 13(11): - pictures taken with added Diatomaceous Earth on surface of soil

sept 14(12): - watered both 250 ml
sept 15(13):
sept 16(14): - planted 2nd vanilla kush (vk-2) in solo cup with DE incorperated into soil, watered with small amount ~20ml
sept 17(15): - watered both 2 L with aerated 1/4 strength 1st week nutrient tea
sept 18(16):
sept 19(17): - day 1 for vk2 (lights left on for 24 hours for all 3)
sept 20(18):
sept 21(19):
sept 22(20): - watered vk2 100 ml ; vk1 & slh pushing out 4th set of leaves.. slh very small
sept 23(21):
sept 24(22):
sept 25(23): - watered vk1 and slh 2 l each with plain water and ~2.5 ml bio root, watered vk2 150 ml with same
sept 26(24):
sept 27(25):
sept 28(26)(10): - transplanted vk2 into 17L container and watered 250 ml - pictures taken
sept 29(27):
sept 30(28): - watered vk2 2l and planted 2nd super lemon haze(slh2) into solo cup with moistened soil, watered with small amount
oct 1(29):
oct 2(30): - day 1 for slh2 sprouted - seed capsule holding on, slh1 is dead... :(, vk1 still small but progressing, vk2 is big and on 4th set of leaves - transplant stress seems to be over

So today is the 6th and I havent taken any updated pictures since the last set on the 28th..
I'll get some up soon!!

Thanks for looking in and I am happy to chat about my failures and successes with the 420 Community.
Looking forward to hearing from you !


Ya I know the order of the pictures is messed up... I'm sorry - It will get better I promise ;)
Re: Scop's First Grow-Under Stair CFL DIY Grow Box In Soil-Vanilla Kush,Super Lemon H

This is what is currently in the grow box.
1 35 day old Vanilla Kush (so sad-thinking about pulling it and making room for the two healthy ones - what do you think?)
1 19 day old Vanilla Kush
1 6 day old Super Lemon Haze









Watered the bigger one yesterday with 1.5 L of distilled water and BTI to kill the f-gnats.
Re: Scop's First Grow-Under Stair CFL DIY Grow Box In Soil-Vanilla Kush,Super Lemon H

I'm having some bad luck with what I think is low PH (Miracle Gro)
I'll get some pictures up soon of what it looks like.
The bottom leaves are yellowing really bad, and the growth is slow.

Thanks for stopping in Electricthom!
I was looking at the SNS203, but decided I would try the cheaper way before pulling out the big guns.
Re: Scop's First Grow-Under Stair CFL DIY Grow Box In Soil-Vanilla Kush,Super Lemon H

MG is pretty "hot" sometimes, I have had very inconstant bag's of that stuff for my herbs, it completely burned like 4 potters worth, then the next bag is great. The gnats can be easily controlled with Yucca extract in your water(1/4c per 5gl works) you can pick that up at any health food store.
Re: Scop's First Grow-Under Stair CFL DIY Grow Box In Soil-Vanilla Kush,Super Lemon H

Last night I pulled the 40ish day old plant. It was very small and the stem was hard as a nail. I knew this would be the outcome of the first two seedlings because they got the lights and probably the soil too. I went cheap on the soil with the Organic Choice Miracle Gro and that was another mistake. I think the bag I used had too much fertilizer(even though its "organic"), and was more than likely the source of the fungus gnats.

I bought 2 2.8 cuft bags of promix(pro-mix) hp. I plan on transplanting them today after I get some more perlite for the bottom of the pots. I also plan on using 11 Litre instead of the 17 Litre, unless someone convinces me otherwise.

Any suggestions or comments?

Here are the recent pictures:
This is the big one that is starting to look ugly - I can't tell what the problem is. 23 days old in the picture.

This is the Super Lemon Haze seedling in the small cup. 10 days old, needs transplant soon!

RIP :rip: Poor little dead Vanilla Kush (40 days old)

I look at some of the other people's 40 day old plants and it makes me a little sad.
Hopefully other people can learn from my mistakes, and I can learn from your successes!:Namaste:
Re: Scop's First Grow-Under Stair CFL DIY Grow Box In Soil-Vanilla Kush,Super Lemon H


looking good man. i know for sure your plants are looking better than mine. when do you plan on giving them some food? my timing is always wrong and i always have to battle nute burn or deficiency
Re: Scop's First Grow-Under Stair CFL DIY Grow Box In Soil-Vanilla Kush,Super Lemon H

First things first. Paint the interior of your box with flat white latex paint to get your plants some light without having to cook your plants.

You really need some ventilation in there. For a quick and dirty fix get a bathroom exhaust from Homey depot or Lowes and install it where you have the hole in the side near the roof.

Reading your log it looks like you are over watering, thus you have a super wet soil which encourages the gnats. Try watering by watering the edge of the pot. That will allow the top to dry out and will help stop the gnat problem plus it makes the roots stretch for better growth.

For what its worth. If this is your first grow, stop looking at the calendar and look at your plants. They will grow at their own pace.
Re: Scop's First Grow-Under Stair CFL DIY Grow Box In Soil-Vanilla Kush,Super Lemon H

First things first. Paint the interior of your box with flat white latex paint to get your plants some light without having to cook your plants.

You really need some ventilation in there. For a quick and dirty fix get a bathroom exhaust from Homey depot or Lowes and install it where you have the hole in the side near the roof.

Reading your log it looks like you are over watering, thus you have a super wet soil which encourages the gnats. Try watering by watering the edge of the pot. That will allow the top to dry out and will help stop the gnat problem plus it makes the roots stretch for better growth.

For what its worth. If this is your first grow, stop looking at the calendar and look at your plants. They will grow at their own pace.

Thanks for the advice!
I thought about painting the interior, but didn't end up doing it because paint stinks. It was also suggested I buy some of those mylar emergency blankets and put them up. I think that will be my next purchase.

re: ventilation - I have a 4" 100 cfm inline fan(the crappy 30 dollar one from ebay) in that hole right now, it arrived a few days after those pictures (need to update)
I found the heat was still too much with just one 4" intake hole. ( if you do the math, that is too much static pressure for the crappy inline fan to overcome and I end up with barely any exhaust) I put two more 4" holes in, but the fan just isn't designed for this application...

SO I bought a 6" 400 cfm inline fan with speed controller (for about 130 bucks)and it should arrive this week!!
I will use the small 4" one in one of the intake holes after it arrives
ALSO, there was no way that small, cheap, 4" fan was going to suck through a carbon filter - Lesson learned!
After reading DocBud's journals I realized the environment is where I need to put my money at this point.

It's funny you say stop looking at the calendar; because I realize now I was trying to accomplish a goal in an unrealistic timeline.
I thank you for the great advice, and I am glad it corresponds with what I have been working on.

Re: Scop's First Grow-Under Stair CFL DIY Grow Box In Soil-Vanilla Kush,Super Lemon H

I ended up going with the same size pots after the transplant(17L).
First reason - they were already inside and its cold outside
Second reason - DocBud likes big pots so I like big pots :biglaugh:

The smaller pots were only an inch shorter anyhow...
If they start getting two tall, I will have to LST them.

I lost my first two already, the most recent ones are my second attempt. (I may lose the 2nd vanilla kush, because it took some root damage in the transplant)

:welcome: both of you!
Re: Scop's First Grow-Under Stair CFL DIY Grow Box In Soil-Vanilla Kush,Super Lemon H

if ur using cfl then u should lst u will get better yeild
Re: Scop's First Grow-Under Stair CFL DIY Grow Box In Soil-Vanilla Kush,Super Lemon H

You have a nice space there. But ...... you really need more light. Those tiny plants are stretching like that cause they want more light. I also think that's why the leaves on the bottom are dying off like that. Get yourself a 250 or 400 watt grow light kit (ballast, bulb, reflector) and you won't struggle as much. You can pick one up for about 100 bucks (US) on amazon. I just saw a 150w setup for 86 dollars. That's my rookie opinion anyway.
Re: Scop's First Grow-Under Stair CFL DIY Grow Box In Soil-Vanilla Kush,Super Lemon H

It looks like things have perked up a bit since the transplant. It was definitely the soil that was killing them off.
Here are some pictures from the 15th and today. I got the new fan today and installed. Temps are steady at 25.5~ with door closed!
This is the first time I've been able to leave the door closed without box temperature rising above 27C. Eureka!


The cabinet is on wheels and has a door on the other side for easy in-out ;)

Things are looking better..
15th - Day 27

Day 14

17th - Day 29

Day 16

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