Sealed reflector hood. Setup assistance?


New Member
So I just got a sealed reflector and I have some duct and a fan... My problem is, these big inline fans are bulky and heavy... How did you guys get it to stay in the light? Like I have the duct coming out one side and the fan blowing on the other side but there are no holes to like screw the two together... Only spots on the sides which would seem like you could put on a wall....

But then how would I lower my light? I hear the cooling doesn't work if the fan is too far away... Like if I put it on the floor and had duct leading up to the light...

It's almost like I have to use tape or something which I don't want to have to do because I don't want it to melt or anything...

I can "balance my fan" in the light but as soon as I turn it on it blows itself out of the hole -_-

I have a sun system reflector 904425 and an inline fan 6 inches.

Someone said having it hung somewhere else and have ducting leading to the fan doesn't work because the light heats up the ducting and it gets warm by the time it's at the bulb.

One last question. Will even setting this up make it any less hot? I'm using no cool tube or sealed hood right now.
If that's how you want to set it up, you can screw them together as in the picture below. You could also run your ducting (tube) from the light, out the tent, to the fan. May be easier this way.

Jojo is right. I have a huge 6" fan. Biggest I found. I keep it in a carton box to clear some noise, no room in the tent though.
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