Second Timer - Grow Journal - White Strawberry Skunk & Green Crack


New Member
Hey 420 fam! I'm new to this particular forum but I see that there are many people here that are familiar with the perfectsunled lights and that is what I have just got!

I'm going to be using the dwarf star for 4 plants, 1 white strawberry skunk (strain hunters) that has just sprouted, (the other 3 didn't make it due to my poor germination attempt. Didn't moisten the soil before transplanting the seeds :( )
I will be transplanting 3 green crack seeds (crop king) that the taproots have just shown this morning in the next couple days. I'm using 60% FFOF, 30% perlite and 10% vermiculite. Starting in good old solo cups and will be transplanting to 1 gallon and than 5 gallon root pouches. Planning to top and scrog as well but definitely new to that. I'll be using general organics GO box for nutrients.

I'll be growing in a 4x4 tent (virtual sun), using a 4" inline fan/carbon filter with a 16 inch oscillating fan and a 6" clip on if I see it fit to use.

This is my second grow, my tent has a few autos in it just about ready to harvest. My new girls will be in their home soon too! I'd love to get some subscribers and especially some that are familiar with the perfect sun led lights as I am totally a noob! Lol thanks everybody, I'll try to be as descriptive and articulate as possible, if there are any areas in need of improvement please let me know! This is my first journal and my first real attempt at a grow with a good light source! I'll be lucky if I get an oz off these 3 autos!
Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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