Seed Stashers Anonymous

I have so many strains on my wishlist it’s ridiculous! It’s a daily struggle to not order...I just keep thinking I’ll wait for the next sale but then I’m looking ALL the time.
I’m not sure why I started a wishlist, it probably would have been easier to make of list of strains I don’t want to try, probably end up with a whopping 2 on that list.
:rofl: That’s sounds like a great idea!! Gives me something to think about.
Well I fed my need for seeds today. My Seedsman order came after a lengthy but worth it wait. They threw in some unexpected free seeds on top of the freebies I was already getting. I’m going to chalk it up as some “thank you for being patient” freebies.

That should scratch my itch until Friday when my Dope Seeds order arrives. :rofl:

I give it 2 weeks after this last order comes before I find myself feening to get another fix of buying more seeds.
Gees.... Guys I just viewed the polls!... According to the polls we are not too bad only half us seem to have a real bad problem with the seed, but I can still see a few more of you heading down that seedy road with us! lol

I'm well on my way down this path lol
Seems like every week I'm about to buy more, why? I've already got enough to re plant most of the earth lol
You would probably have to become a sponsor to do so. I think they even frown upon trading seeds/clones, even through PMs. I don’t think they want the forum turning into a classified ad.

I wish I knew and trusted people close to me because in a few months I’ll have more trimmings for clones from all of my mother plants than I’ll know what to do with. On the other hand I’m happy that nobody knows what I’m up too. My boss told me on like my second day on the job she smokes. My reply, “Cool, I don’t care if you do, unless you’re driving me around or operating something around me. I tried it in college but don’t like it.“ LIES! :rofl: As to why she thought it was a good thing to share that with the new guy is beyond me. Anyone that’s involved in my career will never hear me admit to something like that. When we go out for a work happy hour I stay very reserved with my drinking even though I have no problem drinking a 18-pack on a Monday afternoon. People will look at you differently after seeing that side of you and generally you’ll carry that stigma the rest of your career in my line of work.

What were we talking about again? Oh yeah, there’s no such thing as too many seeds. Haha
Since 420 mag is based in the US there are probably legalities involved in the whole seed thing, and they don't want to be mixed up in that. I think anything like a seed swap site will be limited to Canada for now.
I agree :)
Nope, 100% not a marketplace per the forum guidelines, “420 Magazine is a Reference Site, Not a Market. Posts pertaining to the buying/selling/trading/swapping/testing/giving of seeds, clones, pollen, cannabis, hash, mail order Marijuana or any other substance or article are not permitted.”

I think you will be SOL trying to get something setup even with the Canadian legality. How would/could you even attempt to limit/weed out us non-Canadians that occasionally sneak across the border in our canoes? :rofl:
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