Selling using different merchants


420 Member
Hey all, so I started a small online shop so that I may love what I do for a living but I ignorantly thought it was going to be an easy feat. Very quickly I found out, that was the farthest thing from the truth. I built my site, got all the pictures and products where they needed to be and proceeded to start an advertising campaign. Most know, advertising in our field is highly restricted but I didn't know was that processing payments would be a pain as well. Shopify quickly dropped me and I got warning letters from PayPal. So I began my hunt into finding a suitable merchant but was met with a lot of seemingly predatory companies and skeevy, pushy, unprofessional salesmen. I've done some research and have narrowed it to some names that seem to have a good reputation but here's my question to the community. Does anyone have any recommendations for a merchant service provider that can handle our side of the business?
Could you set up a corporation in Delaware, use \that to enter into standard merchant agreements with Mastercard and Visa (or one of its agents), then have your corporation sell transaction services to your business? If you could find a way to make it viable, you could explore the possibility of offering your corporation's services to other small cannabis-related businesses in the future.
The owners of corporations also have a significantly different level of personal liability than the owners of sole proprietorships and partnerships, which might also be convenient.
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