Serious problem here


New Member
O.K. I had planted my shit like 2 weeks ago it was doing perfectly I mean perfectly the tallest was 8 inches and was getting bigger everyday about the third day I saw a few gnats... saw them didn't think nothing of it... now they are all over the fucking place and have wings and are just flying around in my attic where I'm growing.. I'm not sure if it's them chewing my plants or what but the biggest plant's leaves had been chewed... I think I have more pests I was gonna take some pics and put them on this site this weekend but yeah they died... they didn't die from the leaf damage but from the massive heat... my attic is really fucking hot and I have a light above them that has a little heat from it so the plants got fried I think my attic was about 105 degrees yesterday when it was around 84 degrees outside... my attic has no insulation so when the temp outside changes the temp inside changes as well and for some reason it gets around 3-10 degrees hotter in my attic when the temp outside goes up depends on if there is any wind... yesterday it was hot with no air movement so my plants got baked and just fucking dropped lifelessly to the ground

I didn't have a fan in there because like I said my attic has no insulation and when the wind blows outside it passes through my attic making it almost perfect for growing because the air movement was perfect but nothing is perfect.... I didn't think about hot days with no air movement and now I have a pile of lifeless 2 week old plants

so I need to know of a light that produces little to know heat and some thing that will get fucking rid of these damn gnats... even if they aren't harmful
To combat the gnats I would recommend going to home depot and picking up mosquito dunks. The adult gnat pose very little threat to your crops. It's the baby gnats living in your grow medium that pose the real threat. The larva will feed on your plants roots seriously hindering yield amounts. Worst case would be your plants demise. The mosquito dunks are to kill the larva. Use simple glue traps to kill any adult gnats flying around. You can't buy to many. Just load up and spread them all around your growroom under each plant as well. Go ahead and get those hanging glue fly trap strips as well. You wanna do a "full on" assault against these bastards the first time. If you do it half-ass the first time, you can rest assure you'll be doing it repeatidly risking even more damaging yield loss or death.

As far as your heat issues go. I think a summer shutdown would be the way to go. How hot does it get where you live during the summer?
Well stix pretty much solved ur Gnat problem. As for heat you can either shut down or buy 1 or 2 fans to help move the air around. You can never have enuf airflow. New air brings in gasses that help the plants out. Also it will help move the heat from your lamps out. The only light that produce little heat are flouracent lights and they're just not as good as HD or HPS. Plus since they floro's aren't very powerfull you need a bunch of them to equal the same power as one hps or hd system. Good luck
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