Short Stuff Autoflowering (Not!) Grow


Well-Known Member
You may or may not have followed my last grow, which was an all autoflower dwarf grow. I used short stuff seeds.

To recap: Out of 6 plant, 5 were female and only two were autoflowering. Of the two AF's, one grew to 11" and the other to about 6 1/2". Total dry harvest was right around 28 grams.

The three remaining plants veged for about 75 days before I finally switched the lighting to 12/12. We're now about two weeks into flowering. Two of the plants are about 29-30" tall and the other is about 18". I fully expect a 2-3 oz harvest.

The two larger plants were so tall I had to bend them down as the top leaves were suffering from heat stress.
Re: Short Stuff Autoflowering(NOT!) Grow

Looking damn good I like the video! :rollit::popcorn:
Re: Short Stuff Autoflowering(NOT!) Grow

This last video was from week 5. These plants are now finished and have been cut and are currently drying. Will post pics of the buds if anyone is interested.
Re: Short Stuff Autoflowering(NOT!) Grow

very interested. a friendof mines said that his didnt autoflower growing them for the first time.
wanted to know...
Thanks for sharing your grow with us!

Where are the pictures? How did it smoke?

I’m moving this to completed journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please start one here:
Journals in Progress

Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!

Sending you lots of positive energy through the Universe.
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